Anonymous ID: d121e3 March 18, 2021, 6:28 p.m. No.13252732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2745 >>2780 >>2859 >>2922 >>2947 >>3156 >>3269

Pelosi: DACA Illegals Are ‘True and Legitimate Heirs’ of the Founding Fathers


The illegal migrants brought to the United States by their illegal migrant parents “are true and legitimate heirs … of our founders,” House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said in a Thursday speech on the House floor.


Pelosi made her claims as Democrats prepared to vote through an amnesty for at least three million migrants who are now labeled under several categories. They include the many illegals who were brought to the United States as children by their parents. Democrats refer to the child-arrivals as “dreamers,” even though Americans are also dreamers.


Pelosi said:


This legislation is protecting “dreamers,” and TPS [Temporary Protected Status] and DED [Deferred Enforced Departure] recipients, honors the truth that immigrants are the constant reinvigoration of our country.


When they come here with their hopes and dreams and aspirations, these parents bringing their children, their hopes and dreams and aspirations for a better future for their children, that courage, that determination, those aspirations, are American traits, and they all make America more American, with all of that.


Indeed they are true and legitimate heirs, these dreamers are, of our founders. E Pluribus Unum, from many one, we talk about that all the time.


Pelosi continued to praise illegal migrants while ignoring the dreams and aspirations of Americans, as well as the needs of the 17 million unemployed Americans:


They’re our teachers, they’re our professionals. They’re our CEOs. They’re entrepreneurs, they contribute to our community in every way …


Millions of Americans have come together to organize and mobilize for dreamers: Labor leaders, business community, faith organizations, national security officials, law enforcement, more and more. …


The true VIPs of the moment, are the dreamers and immigrants who have spoken out with great dignity and eloquence, refusing to be forced back into the shadow.


The praise for illegals echoes the progressive view that America is not a homeland for American citizens, but is instead only an idea, or only a “Nation of Immigrants” that is open to any foreigner, regardless of what ordinary Americans prefer. The view is increasingly pushed by wealthy Americans, in part, because it boosts their stock market wealth with additional cheap workers, consumers, and renters.


Pelosi’s pitch matches the recommendations of business-funded pro-amnesty pollsters. On March 10, Breitbart News reported the pollsters’ advice to Democrats who are worried about voting for the amnesties amid public opposition:


It is better to focus on all of the aforementioned sympathetic details of those affected [by an amnesty] than to make economic arguments, including arguments about wages or demand for labor. As we have seen in the past, talking about immigrants doing jobs Americans won’t do is not a helpful frame, and other economic arguments are less effective than what is recommended above.

Anonymous ID: d121e3 March 18, 2021, 6:37 p.m. No.13252797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2859 >>3156 >>3269

Bipartisan bill would require Supreme Court to allow television coverage of open sessions


"This bipartisan bill shines a light into the Judicial Branch of government so more than just a few hundred lucky Americans can watch proceedings in the Court's historic halls,” Sen. Dick Durbin said in a statement.


Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin of Illinois and Ranking Member Chuck Grassley of Iowa have introduced the Cameras in the Courtroom Act which would mandate that the nation's high court allow television coverage of open sessions, with an exception for cases in which a majority of justices vote that airing such a proceeding would breach the due process rights of a party before the Court.


Spectators are already permitted to observe open high court sessions in person, but a press release about the bill says that people often cannot watch due to a limited quantity of unreserved seating.


The bill has bipartisan backing as Grassley is a Republican and Durbin is a Democrat. Along with those two lawmakers, Democratic Sens. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota are cosponsoring the bill.


"Decisions made by the Supreme Court can resonate with our nation for generations, yet most Americans will never have a chance to see the highest court in action. Opening up the Supreme Court's public proceedings to cameras and other broadcast tools provides a window into the court for all Americans, not just those in Washington, D.C. I'm proud to support this legislation especially as we celebrate Sunshine Week," Grassley said in a statement.


“It's time to put cameras in the Supreme Court so Americans can finally see deliberations and rulings on cases which will affect them for generations to come. This bipartisan bill shines a light into the Judicial Branch of government so more than just a few hundred lucky Americans can watch proceedings in the Court's historic halls,” Durbin said in a statement.


Such legislation has been introduced multiple times in the past.

Anonymous ID: d121e3 March 18, 2021, 7:12 p.m. No.13253067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3084 >>3119 >>3137

Dr. Fauci Wants to Start Vaccinating Little Babies with the Government’s Coronavirus Vaccine


The CDC website currently shows that out of 396,265 COVID-19 categorized deaths in America today only 93 were infants 4-years-old and younger.


In America, there are 23.6 million infants from 0-5-years-old.


Only a tiny, tiny percent of babies died with or from the coronavirus.


Fauci wants to shoot them with the vaccine anyway.

When are Americans going to wake up and realize this guy is a monster?

Anonymous ID: d121e3 March 18, 2021, 7:25 p.m. No.13253171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3269

Biden Calls on UN Security Council to Act on Myanmar, Ethiopia, Libya, Syria, Yemen


US President Joe Biden has held a meeting with the permanent representatives from the UN Security Council and called on them to urgently act on Myanmar, Ethiopia, Libya, Syria, and Yemen, the White House said in a statement.


“Thanking U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield for her stewardship as the United States holds the Presidency of the Council this month, the President also noted the need for UNSC action on a range of regional crises, including those in Burma [Myanmar], Ethiopia, Libya, Syria, and Yemen,” the statement said.


During the meeting, Biden reaffirmed the US commitment to “values-based global leadership and re-engagement with international institutions,” especially the United Nations.


“The President reiterated the importance of working with global partners and through multilateral institutions to end the pandemic, improve global health security, and ensure that our nations drive an equitable and sustainable economic recovery,” the statement noted.


The US leader also expressed the country's intention to formally join the UN Group of Friends on Climate and Security.

Anonymous ID: d121e3 March 18, 2021, 7:27 p.m. No.13253193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3260

Seattle police search for shooter after man killed inside Church


Seattle police are searching for a gunman after he fatally shot a man “during a meeting” Wednesday evening at a Church in South Seattle.


The gunfire broke out just before 4 pm at the Emerald City Bible Fellowship Church in the 7700 block of Rainier Avenue South


Police say the gunman walked in, opened fire on a group of people having a meeting, fatally striking a man. The suspect then fled the area.


There was at least 40 people in the Church at the time of the shooting.


Police say they believe they have identified the suspect but have not released his name or a possible motive.

Anonymous ID: d121e3 March 18, 2021, 7:37 p.m. No.13253280   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SAD: Gaffe-Prone Biden Ducks Debate Challenge From Putin, Says He’s ‘Quite Busy’


Major optical defeat for Biden regime as POTUS ducks live debate challenge from Russia's Putin


President Joe Biden has turned down a debate challenge from Russian President Vladimir Putin after being called for labeling Putin a “killer” with no “soul,” in a massive optical foreign relations defeat for the Biden administration.


The New York Post reported Thursday that White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki immediately shut down any prospects of a Biden-Putin debate.


“​I don’t have anything to report to you in terms of a future meeting. The president will, of course, be in Georgia tomorrow and quite busy​,” Psaki said.


As National File reported Thursday afternoon, Putin’s response to the Biden “killer” comments dealt a serious verbal counterpunch to the U.S. President.


“I remember in my childhood, when we argued in the courtyard with each other we used to say: it takes one to know one,” Putin said.


Putin went on to challenge the gaffe-prone and socially awkward Biden, 78, to a publicly live streamed debate without moderators to guide the U.S. President:


President Vladimir Putin has challenged U.S. President to a televised live debate, calling the bluff of the man who accused him of being “a killer” who doesn’t have “a soul.” The move seems calculated to expose President Biden’s biggest public relations weak point: his inability to speak publicly in a coherent sentence.


“I’ve just thought of this now, I want to propose to President Biden to continue our discussion, but on the condition that we do it basically live, as it’s called,” Putin told a Russian state television reporter.


“Without any delays and directly in an open, direct discussion,” Putin added. “It seems to me that would be interesting for the people of Russia and for the people of the United States.”


It’s unclear what activities Psaki referred to that will be keeping Biden “quite busy” over the next few days, as many of his presidential duties have been delegated to Vice President Kamala Harris.


Harris has taken over the role of speaking to world leaders from Biden, who goes to bed very noticeably earlier than his predecessors at 7 p.m.

Anonymous ID: d121e3 March 18, 2021, 7:41 p.m. No.13253315   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian police probe alleged 'kill/capture' mercenary operation in Libya


The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has launched an investigation into an Australian man accused of involvement in what the UN says was a poorly disguised mercenary operation in the North African nation of Libya.


The man, former Australian fighter pilot Christiaan Paul "Serge" Durrant, was also named in a UN Security Council report released earlier this week along with two other former Australian military men also involved in the alleged mercenary operation: Richard Milton "Rick" Parish and Matthew Peter Gould Coughlin.


The ABC is not suggesting either Mr Coughlin or Mr Parish are being investigated by the AFP.


The report alleges that the trio were part of a "well-funded private military company operation" designed to support an opposition warlord, Khalifa Haftar, overthrow the internationally recognised Libyan government.


The UN states the operation was managed by Mr Durrant and that his friend, infamous US mercenary boss Erik Prince, was also involved.


"Any time military people use their skills immorally or illegally it breaks down the trust with society," said the former deputy commander of Australian Armed Forces in the Middle East, retired air force officer John Oddie.


"Anyone that breaks a UN embargo is really diminishing Australia in the eyes of the world, in my opinion."


Since 2011, the United Nations has operated an arms embargo in Libya to try to prevent foreign powers from fuelling the civil war that has raged there since the overthrow and killing of the country's dictator, Muammar Gaddafi.


A federal police spokeswoman declined to comment on the investigation into Mr Durrant, saying only that the AFP had received a report in relation to the UN probe and was "having ongoing engagement with the United Nations".


Mr Durrant, a former Australian Air Force fighter pilot, was named in a Four Corners story last year that revealed the scope of the Libyan operation, including that it involved a plan to kill or capture "high value targets" in the North African country.