Anonymous ID: 30d435 March 18, 2021, 9:25 p.m. No.13253897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3930 >>3937


I'm a faith teacherfag. I teach people how to reverse the cabal fear based programming. I don't call it that but here you know what I mean. It's a program. What happened then, is when you read that poast and you felt the relief.. you had thoughts that were aligned with faith..that is why you could feel it soothe your soul. God feels good. Faith feels good and then when you surrender and let go…you know God ALWAYS answers. It is ALWAYS only us that pinch ourselves off from God by focusing on the storm. Whenever something happens that we don't like, we can thensay, "Ok..this happened so now what do I PREFER? What do i want it to be like? (that's the prayer and the answered prayer is never seen with our eyes until AFTER we have faith and let go and trust.) Some people are scared to give it to God and let go of the control..but that FEAR that SEEMS to protect our emotions because what if we have faith and then we are let down? That fear that blocks the faith is always feels bad and ALWAYS thoughts that are not aligned with faith feel bad. So we have an unwanted situation, we look at it and feel bad and then we think, "What is the opposite of this thing I do not want? What do I prefer now? How do I want this to turn out?" Then we face in that direction because the direction to the answered prayer always feels good…it feels good because of the thoughts that are aligned with faith..and when we have faith, God CANNOT fail. It is law just like water boils at a certain temp and freezes at another. God cannot fail, only man can separate ourselves by having doubt/fear. It's really easy and then miracles happen and all of a sudden you will see how distorted the bad feeling thoughts are but they help us drive. They're a navigational system.. so when the thoughts feel bad.. you make a legal U turn and think of the opposite and immediately you will feel the relief. Now you stay with your eyes on the prize. Then not only do you feel good on your journey thorugh life but all of your prayers get answered. FACT. I stole that Pepe. ThanQ Anon. The better feeling thoughts are the path you want to TRUST no matter how real the bad thoughts seem and LOOK. The minute scotty beams you back up, the bad fades away like mist. We want God to do things our way but that limits God. We have to get out of the way by trusting and allow God to move. Sometimes we think the prayer will be answered in a particular way but then the way it unfolds is like nothing we could imagine and it's way better.

Anonymous ID: 30d435 March 18, 2021, 9:53 p.m. No.13254056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4063 >>4069


My mother has narcissistic personality disorder and I struggled with suicide since I was a child. The abuse and disconnection is horrible. This little morsel I shared is a lifesaver. The PTSD I got from her is almost gone. You will learn you can always trust the good feeling thoughts. Sometimes, we are so used to the bad ones (facing reality) that we don't even realize we are facing the storm, but when you catch yourself under attack and it feels like stress or anything less than GOOD, and you grab the riens and turn your thoughts around, your life will transform. It sounds easy but we have neural pathways (beliefs/thoughts practiced over and over..sometimes we are unware we have them) but just keep pivoting..keep sniffing out the good trail and you will see God ALWAYS answers. You will learn to trust the good one. You will hear God guide you. You will have clarity of thought and you will feel peace at least and joy at the most. When you soar, your feeling God. Its like when we eat something that tastes gross, we spit it out, but for some reason with our thoughts, we keep thinking the painful ones. WTF? That's the cabal programming. So then we don't have faith and God can't move and we start to doubt God. Took me 5 years to master it. I had YUGE pain, but fuck.. your entire life will change and "all these things shall be added onto (you)". I'll stop here. Just know it's like planting a seed in the understand there's a process before it yields fruit, but when you are aligned, God moves FAST. That's what Jesus did.. he ascended in consciousness and blended with God's. "I and my Father are One" but "My Father is greater than I." Thine eye is single when your thoughts aren't split/fear..that's why you feel lucid and clear and peaceful when you have faith. You cal literally FEEL God.

I'll stop now but you'll love life, warrior anon. Goodnight. o7