>traded places with Max
And a certain "Max" had wanted out of prison in NY, eh?
>How often does the FBI destroy evidence for High Profile Cases?
Would love a straight answer from these four…
>How anyone, including the commie dems, could celebrate this trash
I think most normies are just happy to stick their heads deeper into the sand again because they're not getting badgered and gaslit as much by the TDS crowd now that Orange Man Gone. At least for now, as long as the trash doesn't affect them personally.
Oddly enough, Jimbo did support enhanced interrogation after 9-11 iirc?
With you, fren. Not being alone in feeling this way means something important, even if we still feel alone.
>Have you exhausted all your resources?
Anyone ever figure out what Ghidra was meant for?
Kek if "White Hat Hackers" somehow used it to reverse-engineer the election. Maybe Ron did.
Some anons tried way back, but don't think any of the steg stuff was ever solved really.