Anonymous ID: 9661fa March 18, 2021, 8:28 p.m. No.13253580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3806


FAITH ALWAYS FEELS GOOD, doubt/fear always feels bad. You have to reach for the thoughts that are more optimistic and feel better. That is the only way. Nobody can think for you and they can only affect you if you allow it to. Your thoughts can work for you or they can work against you. It SEEMS as though you need the conditions around you to change before you can feel better, but the only way you can feel better is by choosing the better feeling, more hopeful thoughts. You are the only one that can take your pain away by choosing how you want to think. Take your power back. Your relationship to God is the only one that matters and you get there through faith (better feeling thoughts). Once you get your connection back then the things your perception or the way you think about the situation will change. When Daniel was in the lions den he turned his back on the lions because he knew if he focused on them, they'd swallow him up. The lions look big and scary AF but he turned his back and looked up towards the light (answered prayer/faith/God). You got this, faggot. Peter did the same thing so he could walk on water. Keep your eyes off the storm and place them on God and if you don't know God then take the journey from your head to your heart.