Anonymous ID: a1aa1b March 18, 2021, 7:55 p.m. No.13253390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3658 >>3877

>>13252531 (pb)

>Can You Tell Fact From Fiction Anymore?

Re your bread title. It's a tangled web of lies….but whose?


I know Biden isn't president.

I know we're being gas lit.


What I am uncertain of, isWHO is gaslighting us?


FYI glowniggers, gaslighting causes PTSD.


I get the "bigger picture", don't think I don't, but the damage that is being done to the American psyche is going to last generations. We were already broken, now we're shattered…is there some TRIUMPHANT RETURN planned? TADA, we were just kidding!!! What are you expecting as a response?


I'm back to envying Russia their president. Cheering him on in his Biden Baiting. He's apparently the only president of anything left that hasn't been to China to have his balls removed and put in a jar.


The only valid question isWHO is gas lighting us?


The case for the commies is strong…putting out laughable bullshit like the inauguration, Arlington, CGIJoe, everything OBVIOUSLY fake af…..then attacking people for noticing. WHY? as long as the "right" has hope by seeing the obvious fake af shit, then they'll stay in their seats waiting for the SHOW to end…..all the while sucking Wayne R. Willot cock as he continues HIS LARP.


So, are we being tricked into staying in our seats while they complete the destruction of our country? Well, are we?


IF the gaslighting is coming from "our hero" then that begs the damn question, how long has this been going on? The entire election was a gaslighting fraud? Because Joe's been CGIJoe for a LONG time. ALL during the campaign….the fake af inauguration, Arlington, everything….fake af.


This place screamed fake news for 5 years and didn't believe a word published…but now? they're furiously posting and reposting every article published, apparently believing every possible demoralizing word…Ezra's Vanity Fair interview, the Kraken debacle, the endless "tick tocks"..


I get it, nothing you see is true (including more fucking ticktock Scavino, as an example, "those who give up on Trump will regret it".) Give up? are you fucking KIDDING ME? There's always 20244!!! yet we're expecting to be set FREE by the "truth"? should anyone ever fucking decide to tell it.


Surely China and her spies know wtf is up, ZOG knows what's up, Putin sure af knows WTF is up (love that guy…seriously he stares down the ZOG he's surrounded by and doesn't afraid of NOTHING)….the ONLY people in the ENTIRE fucking earth that do NOT fucking know who/what is running our country are the CITIZENS who are hit every day with either:

Kameltoe Joe destroying our country


gaslighting SEE??? regret yet? Miss me yet? this is what the commies WOULD have done to our country if they had really won the election."Is there a single moment which someone is going to jump out of the bushes and scream TADA…every story you've read for the last 6 years has been made up? TADA….everything is fake, it's all a simulation???


I GET IT, my posts here should bear that out, but I don't think YOU get it….I read around, take the temps and right now I'm fucking sick to my stomach tapping into the despair, hopelessness…that "last straw"… one with half a brain believes Biden is president….but you've pushed them ONE lie too far.


NOW you're lying…well, actually you've been LYING for a very long time…if it's not the commies gaslighting us, it's been you….and for a LONG time.


CGIJoe Show requires the cooperation of HUNDREDS of people… hundreds of extras and media…all who signed an NDA on pain of death? Three people can keep a secret if 2 of them are dead. Not even one fake parade actor minuteman has spilled the beans?


Now we're going to fake going to war? is THAT the precipice? (or are we? is this a FUNNY thing to gaslight people with?). FOR WHO is this farce necessary? WHO? Pantifa? BLM? WHO? needs this level of farce? Gaslight invasion from the south, gaslight invasion from the North, gaslight bombing Syria, gaslight every fucking thing and you're expecting people to just be so "relieved" it's over that their psyche will instantly be restored?


Nothing we see is real…not even our own faces in the mirror.


Dear Vlad, just hit the damn button and put us out of our misery. Chances are, since no one knows who has the football, there will be no retaliation. Lil Rocketman Kim….could help! DC first tho. Make sure ALL of Congress is there…perhaps during CGI Joe's first fake state of the unionless speech? Just a suggestion.

Thanks, Voiceless in America


BTW OHIO took your 600 bucks a week (for 1099 contractors), kept most of it, and doled me out only 187.00 a week, precisely. There's no one to call…pretty sure I'm not the only one.

Anonymous ID: a1aa1b March 18, 2021, 8:01 p.m. No.13253422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3430

>>13252600 (pb)

>So frustrated at parents. Their entire reality is fed to them by MSM. I told them today that I'm not taking the vaccine. They said, "Well, as long as you're not an anti-vaxxer."

>I said, "I just don't want to take it." Then there was an awkward silence.

I don't know why you're worried. Trump announced he, Melania, and Baron took it, and Eric Trump is in trouble for "jumping the line" to get his jab.

Come on now bro, belly up to the jab. Who tf cares anymore.

Anonymous ID: a1aa1b March 18, 2021, 8:29 p.m. No.13253589   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Canadian Civil Liberties Association

Imagine Canada and Civil Liberties being in the same sentence. ROTFLMAO

>“It’s very intense over here in Israel,” said Ilana Rachel Daniel in a video posted March 3rd on Bitchute. “It’s terrible. It’s a very, very, very frightening situation.” Daniel related how the country has instituted a “green passport” where those who have not been vaccinated are not able to “get into theaters or malls or all sorts of things.”

>“They are creating a medical Apartheid,” said Daniel.

Medical apartheid, Palestinian Apartheid….I literally don't give AF about Israelis. ONE thing we can be sure of, if the KIKES are pretending to be vaccinated, THEIR vaccine is harmless…or vid related is happening. Watch carefully….did this filthy kike get HIS passport? How much did he pay the "doctor" to do that?

Anonymous ID: a1aa1b March 18, 2021, 8:41 p.m. No.13253658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3760 >>3808


Nellis? I wonder when they're going to come clean re the 3 Saudi helicopters, American pilots and Mossad gunners?


We're being gaslit, the only question remaining, is by WHO?


The case for the commies is strong…putting out laughable bullshit like the inauguration, Arlington, CGIJoe, everything OBVIOUSLY fake af…..then attacking people for noticing. WHY? as long as the "right" has hope by seeing the obvious fake af shit, then they'll stay in their seats waiting for the SHOW to end…..all the while sucking Wayne R. Willot cock as he continues HIS LARP.


So, are we being tricked into staying in our seats while they complete the destruction of our country? Well, are we?


IF the gaslighting is coming from "our hero" then that begs the damn question, how long has this been going on? The entire election was a gaslighting fraud? Because Joe's been CGIJoe for a LONG time. ALL during the campaign….the fake af inauguration, Arlington, everything….fake af.


Anonymous ID: a1aa1b March 18, 2021, 9:04 p.m. No.13253793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3807 >>4062


There were a total of 4 new ass pics, and three/four NEW text messages…and three new vocaroo. Swissanon is NOT delivering.


Joe wants to hold Hunter….and he 10/10 knows Hunter and Natalie were fucking, and Joe's at the LAKE.


Just more dysfunctional family shit….nothing we didn't already know.

Hallie whining about "damage" Hunter denying

deimos.rant NOT new.


Anonymous ID: a1aa1b March 18, 2021, 9:16 p.m. No.13253849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3861 >>3863 >>3985 >>4020


Joe is NOT president. NOTHING he signs is anything but a LARP.

The question is…WHO the FUCK is running this country and if WE know this is a fucking gaslight show, then everyone else does, including the bad guys and our "enemies"…so why keep up the pretense?


WTAF didn't you buy? Did you MISS the footjob video? Her selfie in bed with him? Watching her cast doe eyes at him the ENTIRE inauguration trying to "catch his eye" and him acting like she was the trigger on a nuclear bomb?


NOTE webm is only the FACE not the audio OR action (which was Hunter moaning and her voice saying "I didn't know my feet could do that"….action was her feet sliding up and down and her head/shoulders moving along in concert) all they did was slide a same angle of her face over the ONE frame of the footjob when her head pops slightly above the block they put on….the photos proving they were both in the same hotel at the same time? WTAF tard didn't see this shit?


Did you miss the pic of Hunter laying in Mulan's shit? JAYSUS wtf is wrong with you? Joe fucked all his kids I can bet you…HUNTER appears to be the only one that repeated the physical abuse but ALL of them have drug problems and every one of them had a PORNHUB account…Hallie, (Hunter was fucking Natalie, Hallie, Hallie's sister, and whatever whore he could get at the same time), Ashley, Hunter…..

Anonymous ID: a1aa1b March 18, 2021, 9:28 p.m. No.13253913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3923 >>3924 >>3935


My post was questioning WHY continue the gaslighting. By now the Chinks have figured it out. Putin sure af knows…everyone fucking KNOWS Biden isn't president….why continue the farce and WHEN did they start it? the moment Trump took office?


HE fucked up bigely announcing he took the jab. I don't trust anything anymore. Not even Trump. WHY the fuck would he make even MORE trouble for us this late in the damn game? ALL that is going to do is fuck up even more families.


Either ALL the news re serious reactions is fake, which means every single post from vaccinetards on reddit is fake….(there's hundreds of them) or….WTAF?


WHY keep the act up? What the fuck danger is there NOW? EVERYONE knows…..

Anonymous ID: a1aa1b March 18, 2021, 9:37 p.m. No.13253964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3980 >>3989 >>3992 >>4036


Do you still NOT understand the SOURCE of the videos? Here, let me help. The chinks and god knows who else, installed spyware on Hunter's computers and cell phones. EVERYTHING he did on either of them was stashed by the CCP. Hunter also took PLENTY of his own cellphone videos, also stored by the CCP. You can tell which ones are which by the angles. The fucktard had his computer open…and they filmed him via his webcam. CCP sent copies of the harddrive to McConnel and Pelosi and I forget who else….telling them to win the election OR ELSE.


The CCP defectors took copies of the hard drive when they left. So everything the CCP had they gave Bannon/Rudy and posted on Gnews website…the laptop repairman is a totally DIFFERENT source and that would have ONLY been what Hunter had on his 1 recoverable harddrive…unless he routinely backed up / synced his phone.


The waters are muddy on purpose but it would seem that the CCP hard drives had much more….as Hunter only had 1 recoverable hard drive. The email leaks were from Archer Devon who gave (whichever agency is actually investigating) permission and password to HIS email account and they got a good deal of Burisma shit from him. There are TWO men in prison for LESS than what Hunter did….you could say they're a bit fucking butthurt.

Anonymous ID: a1aa1b March 18, 2021, 9:47 p.m. No.13254026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4044


> to show you take back your Own Govt

That's the stupidist fucking thing I've read on here…since 10 minutes ago.


We were told how to help take back our country…we did OUR job….dig, meme, pray, VOTE….and even now we still have ZERO idea if there really ARE white hats….because we've been honest and working hard and doing our part only to be gaslit continually with lies….and stupid shit…WHY keep up the farce now? Hell even Lil Kim is in on the game.


We have a fucking RIGHT to know whose finger is on the button. ALL our enemies appear to know, both foreign and domestic. There isn't anything CGIJoe does that is real…we ALL know it (or should) and yet…here we all sit waiting….Are they going to play it all the way out to removing Joe (who wouldn't fucking notice…just give him a desk, some paper and a pen and tell him to sign shit until nap time) and installing Kameltoe? WHY? that that was the plan is NOT a damn secret, isn't conspiring to commit treason equal to actually doing it? What is the value in making her do it when Joe's not even fucking president in the first place meaning she's not VP either.


WHO are the continuing this LARP for? For whose benefit do we get to sit there and be vilified endlessly everywhere? It makes zero sense to continue the LARP.


INB4 they're tricking the aliens so they won't eat us.


I'm starting to think Xi is in control and the gaslighting and endless attacks on us are to wear us down and the endless LARP promises and ticktocks is to keep us in line until China is ready to take over. There is no other logical reason….Even Markle is LARPing greenscreening…WHY? Stupid shit keeps on happening, stupid af headlines only Pantifa believes….are they keeping this up over a bunch of violent pink haired trannies? REALLY?

Anonymous ID: a1aa1b March 18, 2021, 9:55 p.m. No.13254073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4087


Only the most stupid of stupid believe Biden is president. The filming at Joppa studios is fucking OBVIOUS….why leak this shit then keep fucking gaslighting us? I KNOW Biden isn't president….


It's almost like the Commidems are making fuckups on purpose to keep US hoping because they know we'll notice and we're going to wake tf up one day with the CCP knocking on our doors holding the anal swap and a needle.


IF everybody fucking knows, what is the damn point of continuing to hurt people over this fucking LARP? Even the chink/jewjitsjew defense force knows it now. They're not even bothering to deboonk.


FUCK you I get the captcha game too. Post sweet missives, no captcha, post truth….endless unreadable captcha.

Anonymous ID: a1aa1b March 18, 2021, 10:05 p.m. No.13254109   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good, good…not everyone is a fucking retard. Now…if I were you I'd keep my mouth SHUT re Trump. Just don't mention him. Once you do you'll lose all credibility when they 'instant replay' Trump's announcement we should all get the jab.