Q threw us all to the sharks. Fuck you Q, we don't appreciate being shark food. So eat shit faggot.
I get it just fine. The deep state is stronger now than ever. So fuck off loser.
Q stop being a faggot bitch and post some more youtube videos. Anons are tired of the puzzles and want more electro music and 1990s movie trailers. This is what vintage Q is all about Lmao.
"Symbolism will be their downfall" ….
Actually, never mind, they will have year long lockdowns, open borders, rigged elections, forced vaccinations, and gun control instead. Looks like Q was wrong again, just like he was wrong about Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr. But can't say I expected anything else considering Q is a lying faggot bitch with zero results lmao.
Enjoy your lockdowns and vaccines. Oh yeah, and don't forget to trust sessions lmao.