Trips confirm
Even if it is Satan trips
>97% of the good anons are gone.
That was just a number you pulled out of your ass.
Stop divisionfagging
Or maybe you are just incapable of conveying your thoughts in a understandable manner?
How did Corsi BTFO Q? Please enlighten me.
>That retard couldn't even BTFO his own toilet without fucking it up
Evert time there is a pause between Q posts anons get "muh disinfo"…
Q not posting for 3 days is not unusual…
>But yeah i guess Corsi is the one Q is afraid of…
Seriously is this really that hard?
Q said:
>You are watching a Move
Guess what Corsi is? A fucking actor.
He's no more deep state than i am vegan when i'm not eating…
They are All fucking actors. But you gullible zealots are convinced you can tell a persons true motivation from their online presentation…