I am on the same page. FBIAnon once said Corsi was pretty legit and also I don't necessarily think Q was referring to Corsi as profiteer. It's pretty obvious the theatre going on though, and I am loving it.
Honestly, the possibility is worth considering. I might have dismissed the thought two years or so ago, but it's been a mind expansion lately.
I have a feeling those who are chosen by Skull & Bones aren't expected to live by the same laws we plebeians are. Same with the Bohemian club crowd. It's revolting.
It's a U.K. registered aircraft? He is thick with the royals there. Could be a possibility.
Interesting. They definitely cater to those who want to travel 'discreetly'.
It's apparently the bug out choice for the super rich.
Had a wave of nausea looking at these, argh
He's made a bundle off the non existent bullet train to nowhere which will never be built.