Let's go to >>1325617
They've started posting there.
Let's go to >>1325617
They've started posting there.
Is that what happened?
On the money thing, let me expand what I said in the last thread a bit. When the Q project is done, Corsi and Beanz will move on to something else. They both talk about other things already. This other group is basing their identity on the Q work. They're calling their site Q-Universe.
I do think this other group I mentioned is more problematic. They are literally building on work done here.
What day lately hasn't been? It's been so crazy lately.
BTW, I would like to say now that I am grateful that Pres. Trump has stepped up to save this country. The sacrifices that he and his family are making are well appreciated. Thank you, Pres. Trump!
That's kinda grim. Ick!
>4. Banking in post offices
Interesting idea. Too bad the post offices are corrupt. We've had some interesting issues with our carriers. Plus, they've been implicated as playing a part in the election rigging.
Not surprising. Seems a lot of deep state types plan to run there for shelter.
Agreed. It's a big deal. They could plant it or they could develop specific bioweapons.
What are you talking about? He's posted in the last couple of days. It isn't unusual for there to be gaps.
I don't think so, either. Corsi is definitely against the Deep State and pro-Trump.
I watched the one. I didn't subscribe. If I had to guess who Q was referring to in that post about money motivated Q reporting, those guys would get my vote.
When you think of it, it isn't surprising that people would question Q. After all, he's anonymous, and so are the rest of us. (mostly) If they're not spending time here themselves, they would have little idea of the proofs, etc. For that reason, I'm giving them some slack if they are otherwise anti Deep State and pro-Trump.
Changing the subject a bit, was anyone ever able to identify which entity was attacking CA with lasers late last year?
If anyone thinks Q isn't delivering, they're not paying attention.
Looks like a notable to me.
Which video? The Q-Universe thing? It's here.
This gets my vote for fitting Q's comments best.
I have no idea. I'm not going to look for it. It's illegal to watch that sort of thing. I'll leave it to law enforcement to look into it.
This bake was kind of rushed. If you want to put together a list of missed notables to put in the next bake, please do so.
I've even entertained the idea that the assailants weren't terrestrial.
Not sure if my query last thread about Mueller's father would be notable. There's no conclusion on it. It's something that needs some digging. What do y'all think?
Gotta wonder how Huma got in. Position purchased?
Not sure I'd count a reveal on Mueller to be minor.
Frankly, there's plenty to convict her even without a video. But I have to admit, something like that would repulse normies enough that they might at least back off defending her.
Seems to me, with the sensitivity of the topics here, there is good reason NOT to take money. If we don't, we're just hobbyists, which isn't a bad position to be in.
The baby is too dark. It isn't immediately clear what it is.
Good point. I just intuitively felt it was inappropriate to put any ads or donation buttons on my own work. And I have no plan to.
Dude! It's 3:30 in the morning! Even on the east coast, most people are barely just getting up.
It's a way of staying under the radar.
Poor thing! Still can just barely make out what it is.
It's a play on the cannibal thing.
I thought it was clever to get the Russian troll farm to answer the charges and ask for documents.
Clones. I keep hearing about those. If they make a clone, they can bump off the original and put the other in its place. How they make that convincing, I have no idea. And how they can grow them so quickly to the same age, I have no idea, either.
I've heard they can. But how is a mystery to me.
Their odds of recovering from that scenario are near zero without an iron-clad alibi.
There's a guy who claims to have served in the Secret Space Program. He claims he was blown apart and put back together almost instantly many times. Maybe it's similar tech. They create a holograph, and the flesh grows into it.
Good question. If that tech were widely used, there'd be little need for organ trafficking. At worst, all that would be needed would be someone's cell samples.
KEK! Ultimately, do we really care if they end up with true resolution of their war?
Let me word that differently. Do we care whether they admit Pres. Trump had something to do with it as long as there is peace?
Considering the way homeopathy and nutritional supplements are vilified, it doesn't surprise me that we haven't seen tech like that on the scene. It would largely eliminate huge chunks of the medical industry.
They're artificially contriving water shortages in CA already. Farmers are being denied access to "protect" some little fish.
Under normal circumstances, this event would be widely celebrated. Just goes to show how determined MSM is to make Pres. Trump look bad.
Not sure how to do that. We'd have to overcome the division clowns, the porn clowns, etc. None of that was Q's idea, though we were warned they'd be coming.
Not really a choice but to trust the plan. The alternative in unconscionable.
Yes, light has something to do with it. This crowd leans distinctly Christian, and that is a good light. I keep thinking that the forward contexts will help. I've been working to provide that. But you're right: we need to regain our moral compass in this country. We've largely lost that as a nation.
To run a society that way would kill the human spirit. Creativity can't flourish under those conditions. Is it any wonder communism on that model invariably fails?
I implemented timestamp deltas on my website yesterday.
This would be fairly easy to see on the site. I set up a special search type for Q posts and Trump tweets together. They show interleaved in time order. Then I added deltas.
Downside is that it doesn't update real time. As long as you don't need that, the site is a decent research tool.
I can second that. This was mentioned a lot when we visited NZ some time ago.
1) It's incredibly beautiful there and relatively low population.
2) It's in the southern hemisphere. So if they do something in the northern atmosphere, it won't affect them much.
3) They speak English there.
I don't think most people realize how far south NZ really is. It isn't tropical, even if it is lush.
That Russian troll farm decided to respond to the charges. They went into court seeking docs. Opposition tried to squirm out of it, but judge wouldn't let them delay.
If you think no one has been arrested, you haven't been paying attention.
No, that isn't how Korean names work. In Korea, the surname is the FIRST name. The second and third are given names.
Yeah, I was thinking about that. Kinda has me wondering if something is up.
>>1325803 (prev)
Thank you for posting this video. I am familiar with this process, so I appreciate what happened here. As for this message, it is similar to that given by Mark Taylor. It is messages like this that help me maintain my faith in this presidency and my resolve to support it. The message implies that HRC's supporters are under some kind of evil spell. Given their reactions, this makes more sense than anything else I can come up with. I have often wondered why they are so triggered. Now we know.
It kind of also explains why I feel this work is so important. I am impelled to participate here and try to move the work forward. It's as if something in me knew what the stakes were beyond what I am conscious of. Believe me, I have a life I would rather be pursuing now. But frankly, I wouldn't have been able to do it anyway if we had failed to get Pres. Trump into office. Our work now is to help keep him there and overcome what is oppressing this administration.