Funneled straight to the farm jobs and meat packing plants. Meanwhile, unable to compete in the Ag sector, white families who've lived there for two or three generations will be displaced to the cities and menial, soul-crushing jobs at Wal-Mart and Panda Express.
Joe will "die" in office of a sudden "stroke" in the "White House" residence. State Funeral. MSM mockingbirds openly grieving for the great man, State Funeral, procession to Arlington, yada, yada.
Sotomayor will administer the "oath" to Mocha Hillary quietly in the Oval Orifice complete with candid photo ala LBJ on AF1 standing next to Jackie with JFK's brains still on her coat. It will be astonishingly swift.
No, no, no that not how a tag-team works. One has sell and make the hot tag, then the other makes the comeback.