Nice Biblical Unicornis Ya got There!
Only if they are Trailer Park Cousins!
Low Lighting and a 6pack at least!
Seals are Wonderful Animals!?
Smells Wonderful!
Depends on which pond you fish in!
I would saySauce Itfaggot!
You will have to look at his eyes!!
Honey Rider!
Elon won't share source Code!!
(sic) But he remote Viewed it!?
That's just what 'Q' said when you showed up!
If the world wants a drink, and your the only Nigger with a canteen!
You will need a Higher classification for that info!
Another thing for obummer to mispronounce!
This is a Bewbless Bread Baker!
What if it is a Rescue Mission?(flip the scrip)
Welcome to Night Shift!
Border Patrol does answer to Homeland Security!
And they seem to be taking their cues from the
guys controlling AF1!!