Ask yourself a question.
Why is Biden in so many official ceremonies with children?
Sniffing behaviour aside, what about the official functioning of the government could cause so many ceremonies involving children to be held?
Who are the parents of the children?
Why are the parents present with the children for the photo-op?
Every organized religion has rules.
Even secret organized religions.
Are the parents of the children recieving a high government appointment during these ceremonies?
Are high government appointments guarded by a troll?
Does the appointee have to pay a toll?
What is the coin of [their] realm?
Is that why they must present their children to Biden at the ceremony?
In Plain Sight.
What happens in a soundproof room after the ceremony?
When a reptile is anticipating with relish something do they not often sniff it?
Why was it necessary for Roberts to acquire some children?
What is the coin of [their] realm?
If one adopts the worldview that one is the sovereign king over one's consciousness, then plant teachers can only 'induce' what one as the king allows.
What if cannabis illustrates to one what one is like in a new and higher level of consciousness, and like any new and higher way of doing things, one must learn to smoothly operate the newly extended sensor and analysis package?