Anonymous ID: b8d157 March 20, 2021, 6:23 a.m. No.13261812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1815 >>1955 >>2040

Midnight Rider here. On my way to Bismarck, ND.

I have about 900 copies of pic related on hand, I've been passing them out. It appears this Mission has the potential for an incredible

success, so long as we do our parts, and what we can.


I'll be in Yellowstone area before long now. Thats the first boss

fight, because the volcano is going to erupt while I'm over there


To each man, there comes in his life, one opportunity Unique to

him and fitted to his talents. What a shame if that moment finds

him unprepared or unqualified for that which could've been, his

Finest Hour.


I really hope you guys have been or are ready to follow along here. A Small Team of Midnight Riders will, with retrospect, Easily

Save this Country, and the World, if we can just get the pertinent information our in time. I'm telling you, if we take advantage of this

situation to shew the Vision to come to many, and to prophecy

correctly the events which will come to pass. If we get a few thousand copies of this letter and the next letters to a couple

thousands of people. We will literally send a Message and a Shockwave through the Nation, and thereby the whole earth.


Trust the Plan. Follow the Yellowbrick road. Follow the Freedom Trail. Follow the White Rabbit. Seek Jesus Christ while he can be found.


Come out of Babylon



Spaceforce did a congo line fly over my head the first night of the

Midnight ride. It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen.



Solving capthas while driving with a laptop like a savage