He used the magic word - invisible.
This is all about "seeing" that which you can't physically see.
Bible is also about that:
OT - cleanliness laws
NT - demons and spirits (something like this is a reality)
So then they call this "CO VID", which is latin root video "to see", and CO meaning also, so this means "also see".
But they can make fake realities.
Which reality do you believe and why?
Danny in the shining - he uses a special skill to make someone "also see".
With the third eye (really just the mind) you can see that which is invisible.
This is all about those things.
Remember it was highly politicized what we called it. COVID was the leftist/establishment version
They have had mRNA technology ready to go for a long time. What are they really doing? Damaging DNA - is that what happened to the grays