Just dropping in after 7 months since the MSM claims all is fine. I came here and see many of you bashing the MSM's credibility, but links to their news articles are EVERYWHERE on these breads. They only time they're discredited is when it's something you don't want to see.
I see you want love and freedom and yell at each other quite often. You make fun of transgenders, colors, and newfags.You make your opinions and stick with them without allowing any embrace to an open mind. "I want freedom anons, I'm tired of being treated poorly….also on a side note, fuck gays, niggers and jews, trust the plan!"
I see Hillary is still eating babies freely. I see Obama just sat with Oprah at Kirk and Goldies party. I see "no name" lived 81 years, a full life. I see Bill Clinton is starting a new foundation. I see Trump wants to bring freedom, but it's ok to lie and cheat on the woman you marry. I see Israel still controls the world. I see the Rothschilds still own all the banks and our gold standard is still a pipe dream.
I get the world is fucked up. And there is bad shit happening. I understand this Q stuff gave people hope - and that hope is the ONLY reason this has lasted as long as it has. People here are blinded by hope. Without Q, when this bubble bursts, they go back to hopeless. Because it has been proven time and time again, people these days do not have back bones. Once we are defeated on the interwebz, defeat in the real world is a reality.
As George Carlin once said, "it's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it". You guys are similar with Q. You're letting hope and faith blind realism.
I say this to help. Not to insult, not to mock, not to be a concernfag, wake up. What brought you here? What made you look at conspiracies in the first place? Be it if you're 15, or 75. I want you to look at all of this from a different angle for 5 minutes.
What if I want to cater to you? What if I dabbed my toe in these theories myself for years? What a fantastic way to gain trust and support, than under the guise of freedom, reaching to a new crowd of people that don't vote, but scream. A vocal minority. One that can start voting and add to the % of what you already have. And while doing it, being a business man with Kushner in the background, you have a regime in charge trying to take over a corrupt power for it's own uses and corruption.
"This isn't about L vs. R" Boy, sure as fuck seems so with every Q post and anon post. If No name didn't exist, this would be a full on Democratic witch hunt. Wait..all those briebart and fox news links from Q…..hmmm…
You're being played. By whom or what, I'm not certain. But the American Military would strike hard, fast and out of nowhere. You, me, grandma in the back drafty bedroom, none of would know what was going on. If this all has to be done in secret, why the fuck do we need to know? We don't. If it's done in secret, all your digging is of no use. It will never be touched on openly, people will never grasp it.
20/80. So keep on digging anons. All that research will be used for jack shit. Think about it. 20/80. So 95% of what you have learned will never get a spotlight shined onto it. Therefore, what good is the information? It will never be acknowledged publicly, so how will it be taken seriously if shown to people?
IG Report
Obama holding AK 47
McShit Stain
HRC Video
Maybe it's not a video but HRC arrest back in November has taken quite sometime, no?
Watch the water…eventually something will happen on it.
Watch Elon Musk, ok, don't watch him. Ok, he's weird, I'll just stop mentioning him and let you anons hound me about it.
Flat Earth, Elon Musk, Time Travel, Q could cut the shills in half with a few quick answers that give no info regarding any sort of military combat. FE, EM, TT. Are any relevant - a simple yes or no and your board would be more focused. But that's not the point. The more chaos, the more people stay stuck in it.
This is not run like any sort of military intel. Wake up.