wow. you know how to bake a normal bread?
is this an joke or something?
or are you just doing it because of backlash?
wow. you know how to bake a normal bread?
is this an joke or something?
or are you just doing it because of backlash?
It circles back. because of circles
No returning salute from joe until after the three booms, either
and this too. the whole thing had a strong Gilligan's Island production and casting quality to it, just without the hot chicks
some circles wear cubes on their heads.
nah, It was his gf. there was nothing preventing him from having one. Nothing in the bible says he couldn't. She was just too chan for the niggers
nah, masons are pedo niggers. mary mag got smeared, she was legit
enjoy your slide then
there were many trespassers that day. trespassers aren't protesters anymore once they break the law where they are located.
it's like self doxing as an anon.. you aren't anon anymore.
the people outside the building were lawfully assembling.
the people inside it were breaking the law.
keep sliding.
everyone that was there doxxed themselves you genius.
The ones that stayed outside… were lawfully assembled. So simpo
matter of fact, almost everyone in DC doxxed themselves with their own devices that day.
especially if it was an android device
The ones that entered the building, provdided their own evidence that they were in fact, trespassing and breaking the law.
And legally, if the dems really wanted to be shitbags, they could arrest everyone that was in DC…
Because the entirety of DC is FOREIGN CONTROLLED… so any so-called citizen of the United States that went there could be arrested for tresspassing under the dems fucked up ruleset.
Even if they were standing at the needle the entire time and left right after the speech.