Solomon's Achilles heel was appeasement.
Evil cannot be appeased. It must be defeated. Jesus did that for us. Our gratitude for that is reflected by the indwelling in us of The Holy Spirit.
Even though we remain imperfect, we are made perfect thru Him and the fruit of the Spirit shines thru us.
What ever happened to the big push to promote a child's self-esteem? I guess that wasn't meant to apply to White children.
Little Black Sambo is about a boy in India. But Black African Americans decided to be offended by it and put it on their hit list.
Some Indian people have very dark (black) skin.
If the virus doesn't kill them, then the vaccine will.
I forgot about that.
We are not saved by works, we are saved by faith.
If we were saved by works, then we would not need Jesus. There are a lot of people who would be considered "good" or "doing good" that are not Christians. The good that exists in this world is due to the presence of God.
Everyone is a sinner. Everyone needs Jesus.
Take that burden and hand it over to Jesus. He died on the cross for all of our sins. Now go live your life the best you can, praying every day for God's guidance. We are not perfect. We cannot be perfect. Only God is perfect.
see >>13268558
You have put the cart before the horse.
Once a person is saved they are filled with the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit works thru the person. All credit and glory is given to God, not to ourselves.
Reminds me of this horrible "work of art" in Tony Podesta's collection.