Whose 'us'?
Only ones I know who have the clear majority is the political establishment. No part distinction there for me.
Vaccine is an economic weapon. If any country requires that for entry, and you travel to the country for business purposes, you have to decide to get the vaccine or look for new work.
Travel/vaccinations have always been linked. If you travel you're subject to the rules of the country you travel to.
To maintain international business travel Trump had to have a vaccination available and rolled out ASAP. US was rolling under Trump and that had to be shut down somehow.
If you don't travel, I don't think you need the vaccination, if you do, you have a decision to make.
Economic warfare. Going on live and in color between AstraZeneca (Oxford/UK) and Pfizer-BionTech. BionTech is German. Brexit fall out, IMO.