i passed the test.
waiting ……..
is your slit wet yet? get your hole wet
waiting . . . . . .
>as if she would have not gone with the fake ass cowards instead so they could say im a cuck to SOMEONE I DONT KNOW
get over yourself dude. fake friend.
good god awful mood idk who is posting the jesus spam
lesbian can't even get wet. im mashing into her with my fingers. she is moaning under my hand damn the church is a great place to get laid. whole bunch of old women where crying wet it was coming out of her eyes. always gotta wear the mask though. i got on a disguise. idiots don't check the wine cups fillin it up with this deleriant drug. praise jesus. pray… pray. tie her hands yeahh bitch ooh dirty bitch ohh yeah im facefucking this crying spanish chick. gonna deport her in a minute something about por favor. she does suck a lousy dig. poor favors. i get head for god.
le sex
its all good. i convinced the idiot spic that i was fighting pedophilia and said the n word 20 times.
that is how yo get free sex.
hey guys boner time. lets meet in the secret discord so i can tell you why the man who is not there to defend himself is in fact not interested in fcking you…. but modest me over here with my skateboard and my buddy who likes planes we are hard. we see you. lets have sex fuck the asshole who can't see us. its about us now. suck it. your mine now no more black man or you support satan
its a parody of swordy cucking me idiot
>guy calls me the devil
>come up with whimsical absurd rapist at a church post.
i do not advocate doing that. that is what it feels like to me when people do the cuck shit.
no one thinks this is funny?
they know im not in a churd retard they watched me type the shitpost. i don't advocate rape. but people talking about me behind my back talking for me is what that is metaphorically. like forcing people throgh religion to get n bed with them
plus i said i did something that clearly never happened.
so posting deepthroat memes and people laughing at me crying because i cold have been there first is ok? constant sex memes is ok about me being a cuck.
>so we know your kidding around and not an actual rapist!
stop raping my time with this horseshit.
because being lied about saying im gay im a sick fuck and then seeing le baker having sex memes directly after. using bs concernfaggotry to get to that point. that is how is see it. they are not giving a shit about right and wrong. they want to steal the chiicks i don't even know are waiting for me or exist idiot.
we need to meetup in churches guys.
bread partyyy
(disclaimer. I am not raping people in churches. i do not pretend to be god and call other people the devil. i don't get off on being a fake asshole.
haven't you caused enough trouble dude
just realized i was getting mad last thread.
i don't advocate violence or anything of the kind rape etc. just sick of being made fun of every waking moment of my life. given a chance supposedly to have an incredible experiance. and then contentiously told im cucked out of something i didn't get my hopes up for to begin with. nonstop. and then told to get erect alone in my room indefinatly or else i can't even meet up with the chickies.
this is everyday. nonstop.
so i guess this is it for me. thanks for nothing assholes. gonna not give you monsters the satisfaction of making me upset everyday. lying assholes. every last one of you
thanks for leading me on and embaressing me and ruining my goddamn life. and getting my hopes up constantly in between. i was spposed to play Q but i was bullied and made un of every step of the way. and now i have to wait for some liar to what? pretend to sit next to me? im better off alone because that's all i ever am.