So are we looking at basically another Q hitpiece ? Maybe it's worth it for it to be on HBO and get more eyes ?
“I got a better sense of why people believe what they believe,” Hoback says. “One of the things we’ve got to face as a society is the quandary of why people are turning to QAnon. Why this radical rejection of expertise, and of ‘elites’? It gives a sense of hope, community and purpose. It fills needs for people who don’t always have much else. That’s why it gets compared to religion a lot of the time, for fulfilling a lot of the same desires. Except instead of waiting for heaven and hell, they exist right here on Earth, and they exist in the form of these bad guys … It’s a false narrative, but to them, that hardly matters. What you see in this series, is that by the end, something fantastic and ridiculous can meme itself into reality.”