Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 4:07 p.m. No.13270857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0868 >>0877 >>0905

Democratic border-town mayor: Biden admin handling of crisis ‘a slap in the face’


RIO GRANDE VALLEY, Texas — He’s putting people over his party.


The Democratic mayor of a southern border town says he’s incensed over the Biden administration’s handling of the immigration crisis in his backyard — and he’s “pleading” with Washington to do more to stem the stream of migrants pouring into his small city.


“You have a breach on national security levels that have never before been seen in modern history and you’re not even batting an eye about it, you’re not even calling it a ‘crisis‘, you’re calling it a quote unquote challenge,” Mayor Bruno Lozano, a Democrat who represents Del Rio, Texas, told The Post on Sunday.


“It’s a slap in the face.”


Lozano, 38, represents the small locale of just over 35,000 residents and has been trying to get President Biden’s attention since February.


Just before a historic winter storm that left millions without power and killed 57 hit the state, he sent the president a video asking him not to send migrants to the community because he didn’t have the resources necessary.


“Mr. President my name is Bruno Lozano, mayor of the city of Del Rio, Texas, and I am pleading and requesting with you to please put a halt to any measures regarding the release of immigrants awaiting court dates into the city of Del Rio and surrounding areas,” Lozano says as footage of empty store shelves and grocery store lines plays in the background.


“We do not have the resources available to house and accommodate these migrants within our community… If you do send these individuals into our community, we will be forced to make a decision to leave them without resources under these dire circumstances. I’m asking to please stop, please make another plan for this federal issue.”


Despite best efforts, Lozano said the request “fell on deaf ears” and over a month later, the only thing that’s changed is the number of migrants streaming into his small community, which is currently around 150 a day.


“I’m not trying to demonize the humanitarian aspect by any means but my responsibility is to the city of Del Rio and the residents of Del Rio, Texas, my responsibilities are to the American people that got me elected,” Lozano explained.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 4:09 p.m. No.13270870   🗄️.is 🔗kun

North Korean man extradited to US in sanctions case


WASHINGTON—A North Korean citizen was taken into U.S. custody on Saturday after being extradited from Malaysia to face money laundering charges, making him the first North Korean extradited to the U.S. to face trial.


Mun Chol Myong was in the custody of the FBI in Washington on Saturday, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press. His extradition came after a Malaysian court rejected his assertion that the charges were politically motivated.


A spokesperson for the Justice Department did not immediately respond to a message seeking comment on Sunday.


A federal judge in Washington had issued a warrant for Mun’s arrest on May 2, 2019, on money laundering and conspiracy charges. Mun, who is in his 50s, has lived in Malaysia for a decade and was arrested in May 2019 after the United States requested his extradition. Malaysia’s government approved the extradition, but Mun challenged the bid.


His lawyer has said Mun worries he won’t get a fair trial in the United States. They have argued that the extradition is “politically motivated” and aimed to increase pressure on North Korea over the nation’s missile program.


Mun has denied allegations that he was involved in supplying prohibited luxury goods from Singapore to North Korea in violation of U.N. sanctions before moving to Malaysia in 2008. He has also denied allegations he laundered funds through front companies and produced fraudulent documents to support illicit shipments.


North Korea said it had also terminated diplomatic ties with Malaysia over the decision to extradite Mun to the United States in the latest development in growing animosity between Washington and Pyongyang as the North ramps up pressure on the Biden administration over a nuclear standoff.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 4:14 p.m. No.13270895   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Q Lie: The Power-Grab After January 6th Was the Real Insurrection.


Despite parts of the fencing being removed this weekend, the nation’s capital is still protected by armed troops and razor wire because government officials claim to fear invasion by Trump-supporting QAnon followers.




The concern is they will drive to D.C., get hotel rooms, grab their free breakfast, then strike at dawn with fire extinguishers or anything that counts under the present hysteria as an armament; i.e., shoes, purses or bear spray.


The attack was expected on March 4 but never materialized. Federal law enforcement recalibrated, shifting the anticipated coup de main to March 20. That never happened either.


Notably, the federal government failed to similarly protect the capital in 1814, when the Brits burned down the White House, and in 1861, when the Army of Northern Virginia encamped at what is now a shopping mall in Manassas, Virginia.


C’mon, man!


Immediately after the events of January 6, The National Pulse called out The Insurrection Lie, specifically questioning the political narrative then being fabricated around Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s unfortunate death.


Our reporting would eventually push the New York Times to back down from its fake news claim that Office Sicknick was bludgeoned to death by Trump supporters using a fire extinguisher.


It is now obvious that the continued military occupation of Washington D.C. under a phony, Q-pretext is a purposeful overreaction to silence objections over the use of mass mail-in ballots to swing the 2020 election.


In support of our election skepticism, we cite Time Magazine’s comprehensive report, The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.


If everything in that account is taken as true, then Trump supporters were correct to discern a “conspiracy” (Time’s word) to assure a Biden-win, and were well within their constitutional rights on January 6 to protest.


Of the relative few who breached the Capitol, some were not Trump supporters; some were waved in; and none who initiated the incursion were present at the president’s speech taking place 45-minutes away, where he called for a patriotic and peaceful march.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 4:20 p.m. No.13270925   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bitcoin ATMs Are Landing At Gas Stations, Delis And Convenience Stores Near You


The trend of Bitcoin ATMs has already started in some delis and gas stations in places like Montana, the Carolinas and New York City.


Companies like CoinFlip and Coin Cloud have installed "thousands" of the ATMs across the country, according to Reuters. Coin Cloud has 1,470 machines around the United States and is aiming for 10,000 by the end of 2021.


Quad Coin founder Mark Shoiket said: “I just assumed there was demand and people wanted bitcoin everywhere.” He just recently flew to Montana to find 7 new places to install bitcoin ATMs, including a local vape shop.


There's currently 28,185 bitcoin ATMs in the United States. About 10,000 of those have popped up over the last 5 months, the report notes. Some people use the ATMs because they sometimes feel more comfortable interacting with a physical machine, while others do it for anonymity purposes. Fees can range from 6% up to 20% of a total transaction.


There's now Bitcoin ATMs in every state except Alaska.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 4:25 p.m. No.13270948   🗄️.is 🔗kun

6 gorillion, "health problems"

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 4:28 p.m. No.13270961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0967 >>1394

Children’s safety comes first: Israeli court defends right of school to bar unvaccinated, untested staff


In a landmark precedent, an Israeli court has rejected a bid by a teacher’s aide who was looking to overturn a local council’s decision to bar her from work over her unwillingness to be vaccinated or tested for Covid-19.


When one person’s right to privacy and autonomy is placed on the scales opposite the well-being of students, teachers and parents, the balance “tips clearly” in favor of the latter, a Tel Aviv Labor Court judge ruled on Sunday.


The court supported the decision by the local council in the town of Tzur Yigal in central Israel, which demanded all teaching staff be vaccinated for the coronavirus or take regular tests in order to be able to work during the pandemic.


A teacher’s assistant at a local school, Sigal Avishai, who appealed for the measure to be overturned, will not be returning to work or receiving any payment, it said.


The judge acknowledged that Covid-19 tests were an invasive and unpleasant procedure. However, she insisted that the harm from testing or the need for Avishai to disclose her personal medical information was “relatively low.”


The court also said that regular testing represents a much lesser infringement on constitutional freedoms than the implementation of mandatory vaccination at workplaces.


The precedent can now be used by local authorities in other Israeli cities and towns to implement similar bans on unvaccinated or untested school staff.


However, the Labor Court ruling contradicted the stance of Israel’s deputy attorney general, Raz Nizri, who wrote to the local authorities last month that the existing legislation didn’t allow them to “take the law into their hands” and introduce such restrictions on educational institutions.


Israel has been gradually reopening its schools since February, amid a large-scale vaccination campaign and a drop in the number of coronavirus cases. In accordance with the country’s ‘Traffic Light’ program, students were initially allowed to return to class in the ‘green’ and ‘yellow’ areas with low levels of infections, but earlier this week, school also resumed in ‘orange’ towns.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 4:33 p.m. No.13270980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0985

“White Supremacist Thinking”: San Fran School Board Vice President Under Fire For Allegedly Anti-Asian Tweets


We previously discussed the controversial position of Alison Collins, Vice President of the San Francisco school board, in her campaign against meritocracy and effort to shut down the gifted programs at Lowell High School. The Asian community was particularly opposed to Collins’ efforts since Asian students composed 29 percent of the students but 51 percent of the Lowell student body. Now Collins is under fire for prior tweets attacking Asians as promoting “the ‘model minority’ BS” and of using “white supremacist thinking to assimilate and ‘get ahead.’”


These do not appear recent tweets but their content is obviously insulting for any Asian American. The Yahoo News story included such tweets as accusing “many Asian American Ts, Ss, and Ps” — teachers, students, and parents — of promoting “the ‘model minority’ BS” and of using “white supremacist thinking to assimilate and ‘get ahead.’” It also include a demand to know “[w]here are the vocal Asians speaking up against Trump?” and statements on how Asians are deluding themselves by not speaking out against former president Donald Trump: “Don’t Asian Americans know they are on his list as well?” Collins continued. “Do they think they won’t be deported? profiled? beaten? Being a house n*r is still being a n*r. You’re still considered “the help.”


While the use of the censored version of the “n word” has led to calls to terminate academics, I do not believe that such objections are fair in this or the prior cases. Indeed, this controversy should not take away from the campaign against meritocracy and the effort to eliminate programs for advanced or gifted students in the public school system. As I have previously discussed, I long been a supporter of public schools. These advanced programs are needed to maintain broad, diverse, and vibrant school systems for cities like San Francisco.


Race politics seems a focus on every level in the school system, even in the regulation of student elections. Likewise, the controversy in San Francisco follows another controversy in Los Angeles where United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) Cecily Myart-Cruz has also criticized “Middle Eastern” parents in joining “white parents” in seeking school re-openings. The UTLA was criticized after Maryam Qudrat, a mother of Middle Eastern descent, was asked by the UTLA to identify her race after criticizing the union’s opposition to reopening schools despite overwhelming science that it is safe. This effort to racially classify critics of the teachers followed Myart-Cruz attacking critics by referring to their race:


“Some voices are being allowed to speak louder than others. We have to call out the privilege behind the largely White wealthy parents driving the push for a rushed return. Their experience of this pandemic is not our students’ families’ experiences.”


The remarks of school board and teacher union officials clearly fuel racial tensions and divisions at at time when the public schools are facing enormous challenges. For Asian families (constituting roughly a third of the families in the San Fran school system), the remarks of Collins are legitimately unsettling as they fight for the educational advancement of their children. It is precisely the opposite of what most of us seek in our public school systems as a synthesis of different cultures and races. While districts like San Francisco prioritized renaming schools in the middle of a pandemic (until recently being forced to suspend the effort), families simply want to maintain an educational system with a focus on academic excellence and advancement.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 4:56 p.m. No.13271133   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Psy-Op Much? Antifa Stages 'Love' March in Portland Neighborhood it Just Trashed – and Attacks ICE HQ


Antifa showed up in a Portland neighborhood it had trashed just days before to share “love” with angry residents by staging a “clean up” march while, in another part of town, others were massing to trash the ICE headquarters. It was a display of psy-ops, disinformation, and misdirection from the well-organized group.


Saturday night in the Pearl District of Portland, the black-bloc outfitted, masked antifa members blocked streets while marching with a banner which read, “antifa loves you.” Mobsters broke off from the crowd to “wash windows” of alarmed businesses and pick up trash, while at the same time distributing paper flyers accusing Portland police officers of murder. Marchers blew bubbles.


It was certainly a more brazen approach from the violent anarcho-communist mob, whose main job is breaking windows, not washing them.


Antifa-approved media member Grace Morgan accompanied the mob, which came at about 9 p.m. local time for what she called a “community beautifying event.”


I’m with a group of 100 blac block in the Portland Pearl district for a community beautifying event. They are here wash windows, pick up trash, and put flowers around the neighborhood. Two vans loaded with riot cops wait near by. #PortlandProtests


The mob blocked streets to hold their banners declaring police officers murderers and professing that “antifa loves you.”


Angry Pearl District neighbors well remember the last time antifa and BLM mobs roamed their area, smashing windows, predating on pedestrians, and scaring people who were finally allowed to go out to dinner.


This time they were back to continue to terrorize neighbors by calling it a “clean up.”


Portland police officers broke up the party as best they could about 40 minutes later by issuing a call for “credentialed media” to meet them at a nearby street where they would be released “one at a time.” That was new, too. There were probably very few, if any, “credentialed media” at the event.


Antifa has beaten multiple independent journalists, live streamers, and others – Andy Ngo and Mike Strickland to name two – if they fail to swear fealty and fail to issue reports from anything other than the anarcho-communist group’s perspective.


Saturday night’s “love” march looked like a psy-op and acted as a way to decoy the Portland Police Bureau officers.


And at least one antifa ally thought it looked that way, too.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 4:58 p.m. No.13271143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1152 >>1163 >>1235

Report: Investigators have not found evidence of federal hate crime in Atlanta spa massacres


Eight people were tragically gunned down


Federal and local investigators "have so far not found evidence" of a federal hate crime in the Atlanta spa tragedy in which eight people — including six Asian women — were massacred


Despite the narrative that widely circulated in the immediate aftermath of the tragedy, the Associated Press reported that investigators working the case cannot find definitive evidence that clears the federal standard of a hate crime.


From the AP:


Though investigators have not ruled out ultimately filing hate crime charges, they face legal constraints in doing so. Federal statutes require prosecutors to prove that the victims were targeted because of specific factors, like race, gender identity, religion, national origin or sexual orientation, or the suspect infringed on a federally or constitutionally protected activity. To successfully prosecute a hate crimes case, prosecutors typically seek tangible evidence, such as the suspect expressing racism in text messages, in internet posts or to witnesses.


No such evidence has yet surfaced in the Georgia probe, according to the officials, who have direct knowledge of the investigation…


NBC News corroborated the AP's reporting.


In fact, the local U.S. attorney in Atlanta has not directed the FBI's Atlanta field office to open a preliminary federal hate crime investigation, yet another indication there is insufficient evidence for a hate crime.


"So far, no directive has been given, the officials said, because after probing electronic devices and conducting interviews, investigators have seen no evidence leading in that direction," NBC News reported.


Still, the FBI said it may pursue federal hate crime charges if investigators uncover evidence indicating the killer targeted the victims because of their race.


"If, in the course of the local investigations, information comes to light of a potential federal violation, the FBI is prepared to investigate," Kevin Rowson, a spokesman for the Atlanta's FBI office, told NBC News.


Georgia officials, however, have stated that state hate crime charges remain possible.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 5:02 p.m. No.13271166   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Corporate Donors Dominate Push to Give Amnesty to 4.4M Illegal Aliens


Multinational corporate executives, who often serve as the biggest donors for the nation’s political class, are the driving forces behind an amnesty plan passed by House Democrats and nine House Republicans.


Last week, the House passed H.R. 6, known as the “Dream and Promise Act of 2021,” to provide potentially 4.4 million illegal aliens with amnesty and put them on a track for American citizenship. All 218 House Democrats voted to support the amnesty and nine House Republicans joined them, including:


Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE)

Rep. Maria Salazar (R-FL)

Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA)

Rep. David Valadao (R-CA)

Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI)

Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA)

Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ)

Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL)

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)


The amnesty’s biggest backers are a series of multinational corporations and their executives who often provide campaign cash to lawmakers.


In a March letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the corporations’ executives urged the Senate to pass the expansive amnesty.


“This important legislation has our strong support and we ask that you and your colleagues consider and pass it in the immediate weeks ahead,” the executives wrote.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 5:04 p.m. No.13271182   🗄️.is 🔗kun

95 Migrants Found in Human Smuggling Attempt at Border State Airport in Mexico


Mexican authorities disrupted a large-scale human smuggling attempt at a border state international airport. The discovery led to the arrest of 95 migrants found to be illegally in Mexico. The group was made up mostly of family units and unaccompanied minors.


The arrests took place this week at the Monterrey International Airport, according to information provided to Breitbart Texas by Mexico’s National Immigration Institute. Monterrey is located 100 miles from the Texas border and is considered a main logistical hub for legal and illegal commerce — including human smuggling.


The migrants arrived at the airport via two separate airplanes from the southern Mexico cities of Villa Hermosa, Tabasco, and Cancun, Quintana Roo. Authorities did not reveal if the migrants were headed to a particular place in Mexico or to the Texas border as part of the ongoing immigration crisis as family units, unaccompanied minors, and asylum seekers continue to arrive in numbers not seen in many years.


The group consisted of 70 migrants from Honduras, 14 from Guatemala, six from El Salvador, and five from Cuba. According to Mexican immigration officials, the group included 8 unaccompanied minors and 27 families made up of two to five individuals each for a total of 70 migrants.


Officials turned the unaccompanied minors over to a Mexican entity tasked with caring for children called DIF. The family units remained with immigration authorities. The remainder of the adults who were not part of any families were sent to an immigration station for deportation.


Mexican authorities did not reveal information about the human smuggling organization behind the operation or if they made any arrests of human smugglers in connection with the case.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 5:08 p.m. No.13271198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1216 >>1223

COMPLETE CHAOS Breaks OUT IN BRISTOL, UK: War Against The Police – Vehicles Torched, Station Ransacked, K9s Hit with Mortar


Complete chaos broke out in Bristol, UK due to a bill that would expand police powers and install harsher penalties on protestors.

K-9’s are being hit with mortars, and police vehicles are being set on fire.


Rioters celebrated as a police van was engulfed in flames.


Alon Aviram, C0-Founder of The Bristol Cable: News, Investigations & Events | The city’s media co-operative. has been providing live coverage on the unrest in Bristol tonight.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 5:21 p.m. No.13271295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1302

Crown receives $8 billion private equity takeover offer from Blackstone


James Packer's casino operator Crown Resorts has confirmed an $8 billion takeover offer from US private equity giant Blackstone.


The ASX-listed Crown has confirmed an unsolicited, non-binding offer of $11.85 a share was submitted to the company by Blackstone yesterday.


With just over 677 million shares in the company, the initial offer price values Crown at slightly more than $8 billion, which the company said is a 19 per cent premium to its share price since its most recent financial report was released last month.


Blackstone already owns nearly 10 per cent of Crown, which it bought off Melco Resorts in April 2020 for $8.15 per share.


James Packer is the biggest shareholder, with the most recent data on data on Eikon showing Mr Packer's Consolidated Press Holdings owned around 36 per cent of the casino's shares.


Crown said its board had not yet formed a view on the merits of the proposal and would commence a process to assess it.


In the meantime, it advised shareholders that they do not need to take any action and that there is no certainty that the proposal would result in a transaction.

Royal commissions cast shadow over Crown


The company said it will also consult with "relevant stakeholders" including regulatory authorities.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 5:28 p.m. No.13271320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1326

6.9 Magnitude Earthquake Recorded Off the Coast of Japan, Report Says


The tremor was registered on Sunday night 60 kilometers east off the coast of Miyagi prefecture.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 5:30 p.m. No.13271327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1346 >>1357

Texas Roadhouse founder and CEO Kent Taylor dies by suicide aged 65 after suffering severe post-COVID symptoms


Texas Roadhouse announced Kent Taylor's death aged 65 on Thursday

Family said he suffered severe post-coronavirus symptoms, including tinnitus

'Kent battled and fought hard like the former track champion that he was, but the suffering that greatly intensified in recent days became unbearable,' family said

Taylor founded Texas Roadhouse in 1993 after writing the idea on a napkin

Last spring he gave up his salary to help pay frontline workers during the pandemic


Texas Roadhouse founder and CEO Kent Taylor has died by suicide aged 65.


The restaurant chain announced the tragic news in a Facebook post, saying Taylor died on Thursday after experiencing from severe post-coronavirus symptoms, including tinnitus.


'Kent battled and fought hard like the former track champion that he was, but the suffering that greatly intensified in recent days became unbearable,' Taylor's family said in a statement.


Taylor founded Texas Roadhouse in 1993 after coming up with the idea on a cocktail napkin. The first location opened in Louisville, Kentucky, where the company is based. Today, it boasts 630 restaurants in 49 states and 10 countries.


Taylor held various roles at the company, serving as chief executive and chairman of the board until his death. Last spring he made headlines when he gave up his salary to help support frontline workers during the pandemic.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 5:34 p.m. No.13271351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1397

CRAZY! California Couple Buys Dream Home, But Seller Refuses to Move Out in Democrat Eviction Moratorium Loophole!


RIVERSIDE, Calif. – When Tracie and Myles Albert purchased a beautiful four bedroom house in Riverside, California they never realized that at the end of escrow the seller would suddenly refuse to give up the keys and leave.


“It’s just draining, emotionally and financially,” says Tracie. On January 31, 2020, the couple purchased the home. More than a year later, they still haven’t been able get inside their property. Chris Taylor is the Real Estate Agent who sold the house to the Alberts from a man who wanted to sell immediately.


“He needed $560,000 from the sale of his house in two weeks and he called me on a Sunday, so in traditional real estate there’s no way of doing that unless the buyer’s a cash buyer,” says Taylor.


Since the house was free and clear and worth more than $560,000 the Alberts felt it was a great deal.


“It took us scrambling to get everything we had, our life savings put together and a hard money loan on top of it to make that happen,” Myles stated.

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 5:43 p.m. No.13271407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1422

June 21, 2018


Timeline of Hell: Multiple shooters, shoot teams, and locations prove officials lied about the Las Vegas shooting


Police 9-1-1 calls reveal the 1 October shooting was a major black op/terror attack which authorities chose to hide from the general public altogether


LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — After hours upon hours of tireless research, Intellihub Founder and Director Shepard Ambellas has managed to, once again, eviscerate the official narrative in which Sheriff Joseph Lombardo and FBI Special Agent-In-Charge Aaron Rouse both conclude that a 64-year-old professional gambler named Stephen Paddock “acted alone” in planning the 1 October attack and was the only shooter to engage victims. However, as you will see herein this report, nothing could be further from the truth, as a number of attacks involving a number of attackers occurred all the way up and down the strip that night, as Intellihub’s editor-in-chief previously reported as early as October 2017.


(See entire archive, over 250 detailed reports)


After listening to over 1150 actual police 9-1-1 calls obtained by Intellihub, Ambellas has determined that the attacks mostly took place over a three hour span and were carried out by a number of different attackers who, at times, operated as teams throughout the night — and yes, the helicopters were really there and are real.


PLEASE SHARE THIS REPORT WITH EVERYONE ON SOCIAL MEDIA! The truth must prevail! This is an information war!


The following timeline was assembled by Ambellas and runs between the dates and hours of October 1, 2017, at 10 pm and October 2, 2017, at 1 am on the following morning.

Timeline of Hell

19:59 pm


Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos was reportedly struck in leg by a bullet after the suspect, Stephen Paddock, fired a few single shots followed by a 200-round volley of bullets through the door of room 135.


Although body cam footage of Campos shows no blood on his leg or entry wound, Campos told police that he thought that he had been shot in the leg with a “BB gun” which even investigators thought was odd.

210:04 pm


A sniper takes single potshots into the crowd before fully-automatic gunfire erupted. This key fact was unreported by LVMPD and exclusively reported by Intellihub.


Source Video


Lots More

Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 5:46 p.m. No.13271426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1439 >>1445

The Media Got It Wrong: Police Captain Didn't Say the Atlanta Spa Killer Was Having a 'Bad Day'


A moment from the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office press conference on Wednesday quickly went viral: Jay Baker, a spokesperson for the police department handling the investigation into the horrific Atlanta spa murders, said that suspect Robert Aaron Long was having a bad day.


"He was pretty much fed up, kind of at the end of his rope, and yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did," said Baker.


The comment struck many people as overly sympathetic toward Long, as if Baker was making excuses for someone who stands accused of killing six Asian-American women in cold blood. A 20-second video clip of Baker's statement was shared on Twitter by Vox journalist Aaron Rupar and swiftly went viral, earning widespread condemnation. Many saw it as evidence that cops are desperate to discount the culpability of white male criminals. For instance, Kimberlé Crenshaw, a law professor and inventor of the term "intersectionality," described Baker's comments as "bone-chilling," and castigated him for refusing to acknowledge "the misogynistic dimensions of anti-Asian racism."


A police officer excusing Long's actions as merely the result of him having a "bad day" would indeed be contemptible. But that's not what Baker did. In fact, many of the people so infuriated about the quote were misled by Rupar's edit of the video.


The full video (the relevant section starts at about 13:50) makes clear that Baker was not providing his own commentary, but rather summarizing what Long had told the investigators. The "bad day" line was proceeded by a clarification that this was Long's own explanation, as related to the police. Baker did not endorse it.



Anonymous ID: 70e9bc March 21, 2021, 5:48 p.m. No.13271442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1463 >>1484

“He’s Not In Charge” – Steve Hilton Says Aloud What We’ve Known About Joe Biden for Months


Steve Hilton on FOX News stated what we’ve all known for months “He’s not in Charge!” – Referring to Joe Biden.


According to Daily Caller:


Fox News host Steve Hilton said Friday that President Joe Biden’s gaffes and stumbles prove, “He’s not in charge.”


“The capacity of our commander-in-chief is a vital public issue. It’s not just this gaffe, there’s one of these almost every day where he seems to forget where he is or what he’s doing, he stumbles and mumbles,” Hilton said on Fox News’ “The Faulkner Focus.”