re read crumbs..connected some of latest POTUS tweets and THE PROMINENT O. He used it before/last week. POW. BHO already in GITMO?
Can't travel to IRAN to fix deals?
rogue comms off? JK doesn't know what he's doing or got instructed before to fix in case of BHO GITMOized? Last resort?
Now Ger/Fra/UK in no matter what?
WTF? After telling the world they'd build a new 'ARMY'? Merkel also stated she would like to make Europe more independent.
POTUS "We'll try to catch you" in presser.
Something's up Anons. please discuss and add info. Some Anons should also re-read NOW and look for connections. NEED EYES ON THIS and 1-2 experienced/0day-anons to make sense of it all.