Concernshill Go HOME. It's clear that you're just trying to divide and slander us with your violent rhetoric. To say that people don't care because we have to exercise patience is the most fucking retarded thing I've ever heard of. GO TO HELL. You don't belong here if you're going to just be a whinging faggot because you're not getting instant justice and want to go full vigilante. That's how innocent people get murdered or convicted. They are trying to get the people orchestrating the theft and exploitation of children and adults. They can't fucking do that if they just start chucking all of their cronies into prison, because they're hiding as best they can. They must be tracked. It fucking sucks, but we can't just allow the REAL criminals behind the industry to remain free because you can't fucking WAIT to get the FACTS.
Yeah, you don't belong here at all if that's what you got. I get facts. You're giving me ANECDOTES that tell me you don't give a shit about justice and just want the violence because you're a whining faggot who can't tolerate difficulties and can't face up to the real world. Operate on principles or GTFO
Well at least someone is doing some real work. Thanks yo.