In the western world
Fear pr0n
Justice pr0n
Shadenfreude pr0n
Willfull malice pr0n
In the western world
Fear pr0n
Justice pr0n
Shadenfreude pr0n
Willfull malice pr0n
More caca
On YouTube it is called instant kharma
Since Venezuela crypto is not cia
They can't pull off their judas fegel summoning ceremony
When it takes over
Michelle's Hahn is from podesta peanut from catholic deal when asians have tsunami photos
Scientologisy got thrown into cabal to bill Theo seditious horsehit judas fegel caca
Got way out of hand
Mk solved a lot of things
Mr Green asked to kill that faggot
Prison bitch is hogg
Speaking of caca, treason homotus has pence as vp for ……
We should examine those fexas morons and their need to install a black president before homotus . Prol Satan Thule yada yada
Their money should not be your concern
It went shit when clintons posed for that wave
Put pedovoresvare distracting for shekels now , fuck them first
When the diocese gets that thule faggotry gone the podesta Hahn thing gets handled.
It's the deal
But the pedovore cocaine Econ has descimated Mexico since Prescott killed all the buffalo and took the cocaine trade from Louisiana
Fake and gay
hmmmn …. prol a very disgusting pedovore situation to get the Catholics church involved in the nineties .
Y'all disgust me
And those Jews sold roth judas fegels stupid symbols and concepts cause
Spurious homoerotic creepy shit
Is usually roth judas fegel caca worship
Fake and gay
The son was a disturbed cannibal
Podesta knows
Fucking pedovores hired corsi again
AIDS was manufactured and spread by ……
Mural to remember the sacrifices ms13 did to keep homotus cocaine dealer occupied so it would stop pedovoring
Ask reagen
Trudeau tranny homo need diarrhea bear ?
Looks like a queer Roth judas fegel cannibal huh
Mana money MULah moooooolah
Carries a dharma
Festering taint egregores require taint supply
Pedovores are the most concerned with money supply changes huh
Manifestation of affluenza and pedovores and entitlement and thule
I clearly see pedovores attempting to salvage their babel for shekels
Stain cause so much treason why does he exist
Check out the guilty do the
Blamefag shamefag distraction
big titties launch go
Block chain is old Cold War math to waste time , bitcoin is cia bs to manifest a egregore of the cannibal son of judas fegel roth
There is so much senseless depraved murder out of selfish inequalities in they gold
I thought just have the aliens beam it somewhere else , away from the murderers cabal
Dharma kharma
Sometimes it's called energy vampires
Sometimes succubus
Because of Sardinia and Epstein
Pagan ghosts choose this fridge for beheading
We can lump some in pile in fexas and burn them