The US Military, in concert with SEVERAL other Western Military and Western Defense/Intel organizations, have, since the assassination of JFK by the DeepState Cabal, been preparing this MASSIVE Intel drop (since 1963). They almost dropped during the Reagan Administration but the News Orgs were already too compromised. The reason 4chan and 8chan were chosen for the drop during the Trump Administration (Trump recruited by White Hats in 2000 to run) was because the News Orgs are completely compromised by this 'Cabal' of evil (Kerry/Biden/Clinton/Bush and many other families connected to European Houses).
This is not just a drop of info from the US Military, but from an 'alliance' that spans the Globe. Contingents in Russia and China are allied with the US (as well as many other Nations), to fight this evil Cabal that controls much of the Globe through multi-national conglomerates, Financial orgs, compromised Governments, non-profit organizations and non government agencies such as WHO, the UN, Red Cross and other World bodies.