I ran into some interesting videos last night re the EU migration "crisis". We knew it was engineered and of course the Kalgari "replacement plan" is widely discussed.
HOWEVER…embedded video kind of caused me to swerve just a tad….yes, they're stupid af but apparently they're good workers…if their masters treat them badly enough.
This guy's 2 part vids begging Africans not to believe the "migration meme"…(he's eloquent and intelligent…easy listening).
Shattered dreams of African migrants…
What this ends up being is basically slavery. Africans always slaves. (Whatever you do do NOT fall into the trap of watching "returned to Africa here's our great life videos"..holy shit
This guy, Harmon Jallow–was basically a slave for "returned" niggers (Black Acres Gambia)…and they want us to believe they wuz kangz and built the world? I've tried to watch a few…and the comments….just…woah.
THIS guy went "back to Africa" he's comedy gold. moved to a lot of blacks are relocating…KEK and ….he says….
"However, the ones that are coming need some type of screen process. We can have the American minds set invading African culture."
BRO we don't fucking want them either. TAKE THEM BACK!
Rich UK blacks move "back to Africa" build giant monstrosity of a house…WALLS security guards…(I thought the problem was white people). They posted the building process…you'll want to poke your eyes out. Again, the COMMENTS..some Hoteps mad tho, they believe America is their birthright…
I just want to know…since black people invented the cell phone…HOW TF can we encourage them to GO BACK!
Again, the comments…MY SIDES.