no 'we', you're not an ano.
free speech doesn't need a reason.
now what: same old same old
"think for yourself, most are good"
no 'we', you're not an ano.
free speech doesn't need a reason.
now what: same old same old
"think for yourself, most are good"
what's HBO?
is that time-warner?
I remember when they used to fill their mag with advertisements that were all subliminal and filled with secret micro font messaging.
they don't have my trust. I see whta they print as mostly false, narratives to control and to humiliate.
do you really not know about it?
in one sentense: the whole 'gaming magazine' industry turned against those who play games by buying into an untrue stereotype and trashing all the potential readers of their magazine.
most of it was based in London. Suddenly they were all using the same falsity of narrative about the 'ugly gamer'. The made 'gamers' into something in their mind, made up, and then proceeded to presented it as if it were true.
ALL the so-called journalists did that.
but I suspect you know about htat.
there was next a thing called 'the ban out' where the same havoc group started claiming racism and sexism on line to ban various real people from being able to use the common social media.
the gamer publishing industry moved to London. (was bought up)
the games became training grounds for hyper violent reactions.
I'm sure someone else has gamergate graphics. I don't have any handy. It was, what, 5 or 6 years ago by now.
Even Dean King was like 'this is stupid, there is no such gamer-person' (I paraphrase).
anyone else got some graphics for the anon who never heard of gamergate?
this is a repetition shill.
he doesn't even know who Ron is.
prove me wrong ← this is put in there to be as ridiculous as the shill is being
wow it turned that into a tiny little arrow.
← what will it do here?
→ what is this going to do?
when does a television show get cancelled?
think 'Taxi'
the show was cancelled because the 'network brass' didn't want it anymore.
other shows that had worn out and needed to be cancelled turned into the hearts-and-flowers condensed version of the 'afterschool special', a genre of TV show for very lonely young adults.
Free Speech never gets old.
thus 8Chan if forever!
even if it changes it's name.
all free speech is 8Chan, a must have. eight-chan-it, and free the doves!
The Apothogensis of the First amendment?
crossover concepts, they will say 'see that's pagan'.
no it's allegory.
message to the crap-meme shills who spread a hateful and divisive world view:
some day you will understand that the cartoon world-view you give is fraudulent.
will you have any shame?
If not, just get well anyway, because you are not.
maybe if you studied the world you wouldn't live in a cartoon fantasy land.
did you also follow what was called 'the ban out'?
this is how you really talk
in the future when your mind snaps this will be the rest of your utterance forever?
you're giving yourself a plausible way forward by voiding out your right to free speech by training yourself to speak in garbled nonsense.
this could be you for real . . . if life were a situation comedy plot and the writers were all psuedo-spiritualists.
you have the right to say what you want, and this is what you present to the world.
what would your gammsey-mouth-mom say
I'm sorry, even in a coffee house, on Bridge St, if I were drunk, and it was 25 years ago, you still would get the same response.
you don't know how, and if you did you'd be in the wrong venue.
Kerouac when he was in the mood wasn't . . . all that anyway. Kind of a running joke, or a sick mistake . . . always on the verge of nowhere.
the repetition of operational word is done in a perverse fashion.
it's best to filter it when you become aware of it.
the two words today , or are there three, that have been repetitively spammed are
but do not repeat the words the effect, if real, will already be obviated.
the repetition must be defeated by filtering as that's the only real way to do it.
i tagged you by accident. Sorry.