Notes from 0 - 30 minutes of Ron's interview
UN, 21 MAR 2021 15:00:00
Made just before the release of Parts 1/2 of HBO documentary.
Ron is on gab and telegram.
but having issues with hackers, so less active there.
thinks he knows who's behind it.
gab team swamped, strong team.
>you've been quiet
started working on another project, currently in stealth mode, eating all his time.
>related to Odin?
sort of, Odin never deployed, was always a
Odin - a way to avoid deplatformming in an extreme situation. But we were able to stay online using conventional methods.
Once u deploy it, the cat's outta the bag - u can't go back. They know what's up.
Now I'm not involved with 8kun project anymore, but the 8kun team still have it.
Pandora's Box - final maneuver.
They removed his acct for spam. An hour before they banned him, was thinking about deleting his acct. Backed up all his data.
>Would u go back?
No - bc current project doesn't require social media presence.
>How did the project start?
Cullen Hovack contacted Ron within a year of Q first posting - 2018?
They make every month or so since
Didn't know it was about Q until later
Initially they just talked about free speech
Ron didn't know anything about Q when first asked
First time he heard about Q - someone asked for help with verifying Q on 8chan
CBTS board? He's not sure
So he looked thru the posting history and said "yes, it's the same person"
Didn't know much.
Doesn't recall the details.
Cullen probably made a good historical record in his documentary.
I don't follow Q that closely, don't read all the drops.
Will tried to help, just like with any community on 8chan.
8chan is nothing like it was a few years ago, most posters have left except the Q boards.
>discussion about whether the author changed
Ron would able to see Q's public posts but also his anonymous posts
gave him some ideas about Q might be - won't say bc he 'doesn't want to spoil the movie'
[she sort of interrupted - too bad - caused sounded like he was gonna say something interesting]
On this podcast coz msm is attacking hard now, wants to get out his backstory somewhat
never had much involvement in Q community, still not involved.
Hasn't seen it yet, doesn't have HBO subscription, might not watch, doesn't pirate content.
"Not that interested, i was there."
Surprised that Cullen focused so much on drama between me and Fredrick.
[from trailer]
"I don't hate the guy….glad he's getting back on his feet."
>re CH's perspective on doc
Ron: CH seemed pretty unbiased.
MM777: impression from trailers: seems like a set up for a hit piece, possible false flag
Ron: just my feeling, doesn't expect a hit piece.