>>13275348 (pb)
I didn't know exactly what all the buses, people and suitcases meant until I frame-by-framed the WP inauguration footage starting at Beyonce…then I did Arlington, then I did the parade…then I LMFAO. One of my favorite Arlington moments (aside from making Hunter stand in "the corner" by himself away from the family…was when TAPS started to play and the person playing Laura Bush hastily looked around and slapped her hand on her heart when she saw the other "doubles" doing it. RIIIGHT..a 8 year first lady doesn't know how to behave during a TAPS? OK. ALL of the "ex presidents" at Arlington and the "inauguration" were actors. The very least Obama's should have done was put on some fake head scar…..they had 15-20 "pool footage" cameras set up to film from all possible angles. THAT footage was given to news outlets who made their OWN live broadcast footage. You know how I know that? WATCH..it is HUMANELY impossible for the "producer" to make such rapid camera swaps. It IS possible when cobbling together footage.
Watch Beyonce and Gaga sing in slomo…Gaga is barely containing her agony. They trolled with the Korean SS guy ((everyone thought was his Chinese minder) and KEK…wonder what was in those envelopes? Bush…scarf on scarf off….HELLO…they must have had to "reshoot…tacky his tag hanging out…can't you see? same shot…magic scarf…(wonder if that's a nod to Prince Williams' famous "scarfing" Markle incident :D )
The fence is starting to come down….the end is nigh!
Whoever that man with the envelopes is….he sure has a lot of security!