Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 9:22 a.m. No.13275440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5498

>>13275348 (pb)

I didn't know exactly what all the buses, people and suitcases meant until I frame-by-framed the WP inauguration footage starting at Beyonce…then I did Arlington, then I did the parade…then I LMFAO. One of my favorite Arlington moments (aside from making Hunter stand in "the corner" by himself away from the family…was when TAPS started to play and the person playing Laura Bush hastily looked around and slapped her hand on her heart when she saw the other "doubles" doing it. RIIIGHT..a 8 year first lady doesn't know how to behave during a TAPS? OK. ALL of the "ex presidents" at Arlington and the "inauguration" were actors. The very least Obama's should have done was put on some fake head scar…..they had 15-20 "pool footage" cameras set up to film from all possible angles. THAT footage was given to news outlets who made their OWN live broadcast footage. You know how I know that? is HUMANELY impossible for the "producer" to make such rapid camera swaps. It IS possible when cobbling together footage.


Watch Beyonce and Gaga sing in slomo…Gaga is barely containing her agony. They trolled with the Korean SS guy ((everyone thought was his Chinese minder) and KEK…wonder what was in those envelopes? Bush…scarf on scarf off….HELLO…they must have had to "reshoot…tacky his tag hanging out…can't you see? same shot…magic scarf…(wonder if that's a nod to Prince Williams' famous "scarfing" Markle incident :D )


The fence is starting to come down….the end is nigh!


Whoever that man with the envelopes is….he sure has a lot of security!

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 9:35 a.m. No.13275498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5549


>>13275386 (pb)

> is that our own planefags have tagged AF2,

That was probably a troll because they knew you'd notice no AF-1…and everyone expected Kamala to be doing Joe's job. Kind of like…heh…we'll make them think Kamala is in charge. She can't be for reals tho.


>However, my working theory does not have a mechanism for $2,800 appearing in my checking account.

That may have been previously agreed upon. I do know that everything I bitch about on here gets fixed. I was on FIRE with them using fat ass fake Marines in the wrong uniforms for Biden's stumble to "Marine 1"…that really lit me up bad. Marine Barracks is one of the most challenging posts to get. You have to be cream de la cream to win that posting. Fit, good looking, top scores….they don't put fat sloppy Marines at Marine Barracks. NOPE. So what happens? KEK…Biden's Stairforce one video? KEK they used thinner actors but the skinnier one on the right must have had to wear the fat one's uniform. I KEK'd.


The thing that pissed me Tf off worse was the "marines" were wearing ribbons/medals and that's ILLEGAL AF..stolen valor. Then I realized the uniform wasn't correct. I calmed down. Don't fuck with Marine Barracks bro.


I am NOT going to speculate as to who is in control. THAT is an "energy trail" I'd prefer not to get caught peeping on.

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 9:44 a.m. No.13275533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5585 >>5599

>>13275370 (pb)


KEK…stop with the bullshit. The inauguration was fake. OK? Biden is NOT POTUS…Kameltoe is NOT VP.

POTUS = CIC…and if you know anything, anything at all about the UCMJ and the RULES that you follow re saluting whether or not you LIKE them…you'd KNOW this is true. NO real military person has ever been forced to salute Biden NOT even once.



Oh, look someone hasn't seen Europa the Last Battle yet and still thinks Hitler was the bad guy.

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 10:21 a.m. No.13275711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5725 >>5765 >>6050


You haven't watched Europa the Last Battle yet have you. I had my worst moments of "waking" watching that documentary. I kept saying…that can't be true, that quote can't be right…no no no….I stopped it …checked…double checked, kept checking….every single fucking thing is true.

Cromwell, French Revolution, Jewish Bolsheviks, World War I World War II all genocides ALL GENOCIDES every single GENOCIDE from the Holomordor to the murder of 160 MILLION Russians, CHINA, Vietnam, Pol Pot, Armenia…every single fucking genocide I can find (except MAYBE Hutu/Tutsi) THEY were right behind it. Israel is what they accuse everyone else of being.

Did you know they created the situation in which German Jews were literally STUCK in Germany? Hitler immediately agreed to the terms of the "Transfer Agreement". He didn't want what happened in Russia to happen to Germany. When hundreds of thousands of German Jews were literally in transit to JUDEA (not ISRAEL…Judea, where violent MURDEROUS "zionists" were forcing Palestinians from their homes at gun point and terrorizing them….) they started a WAR with Hitler forcing him to house feed, etc all those Jews. What about the mass murder of Germans trapped in Poland?


YOU fucking know NOTHING. If there is a hell I sincerely hope everyone who has made Israel's mass murders possible, who have refused to vote for anyone that didn't support MUH Israel….PAY for their blindness. YOU by your blindness are culpable for these mass murders. Without blind support from American Christians, NONE of this would have been possible. The more I learn, the more I …well hate is too strong….the more I will ENJOY the sweet sweet breath of truth causing YOU suffering and grief the moment YOU realize…what YOU have been part of. Ignorance is no excuse. Educate yourself.


You're still asleep. If Israel were glassed tomorrow and all the jews rounded up and sent back where THEY came from…the world would experience almost instant peace.


BUT you're still caught in the old paradigm of lies. You don't even know who you are, you haven't got a clue about your LARP religion. It's fake af and designed to control.

The TRUTH won't be for everyone.




NOTHING you beLIEve is true. I truly feel sorry for the pain you're going to experience when you start to unpeel the layers of lies.


"JESUS" tried to tell you….the Revelation TRIED to tell you….THEY ARE NOT WHO THEY SAY THEY ARE. THEY are the "fruit" of the WITHERED vine, their FACES will give them away.


Wake up.

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 10:27 a.m. No.13275735   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm DYING. I complain LOUDLY re the Marines being fat and wearing the wrong uniforms…today…well it's better. They kept the cameras far enough away. No salute except from some ???? …this is hysterical.


Biden is NOT president. Kameltoe is NOT VP..


Camera CUT….not stair force and they didn't have to salute him.


Enjoy the show.

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 10:33 a.m. No.13275761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5794 >>5796 >>5845 >>6015


That Bhad Barbie was bitching about that….school Dr. Phil sent her to…Bronfmans are associated with that.


Finger Lakes again? Also did you guys know Stormy Daniels wasn't what YOU (and the media) think she was….she was /ourgirl/ distracting….she knew ALL about NXIVM.

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 10:37 a.m. No.13275782   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Biden is NOT fucking POTUS you freak. The inauguration was FAKE. Don't fucking "school" me. There was NO inauguration. If you think there was you are literally blind af. PERIOD. You keep "skipping" the posts with all the proof and keep posting the same retarded bullshit.


The inauguration was fake, Biden cannot have been "sworn in" to anything. GET IT? NOT POTUS.

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 10:47 a.m. No.13275846   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I had most of the Bible memorized by the time I was 12.


It's a FUCKING plagiarized LARP. They took the stories of other far more ancient cultures, inserted themselves as the heroes. You robo post bullshit. MOSES did not fucking exist. The OLD Testament is NO OLDER than 250 BC. See the documentarians expose of the Elephantine papryus. IT'S NOT TRUE….the "jews" literally stole everything. Stop robo posting your bullshit.


Want to learn about the REAL story of the flood/ark? REAL…from cuniform texts the JEWS stole it from? YOU do not have the courage to challenge your beliefs.


Anyone want a great lecture on the "ark" Irving Finkle is amazing. His knowledge of cuniform and his fun enjoyable demeanor when teaching ..this BTFOvRon Wyatt's ark LARP and KILLS the "ark tourism" of Mt. Ararat. KEK…go on, you claim you're "woke".


Ya/El/Enlil is a ASSHOLE. NOT fucking "god".


Don't even get me started on your "kike on a stick"…THEY made "Jesus" a jew. THEY subverted an entire spiritual movement. Turned a healing woman into a whore and literally created an acceptable controllable FEAR-BASED religion.


LOVE ME, or I KEEEEL you. Fuck off with your version of "god". It's poisoned the world.

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 10:51 a.m. No.13275867   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Could be. I have a theory that Monica Lewinski was a distraction….maybe they did, maybe they didn't…but it kept our attention focused there…think mirror.


I think Trump did many of the same maneuvers. I think Stormy was /ourgirl/ especially after /pol/ found her brand and that tweet. She got in…and got tf out. She must have told Trump…that whole thing kept everyone busy…my god twitter couldn't think of anything else…CNN blared about it constantly…kek.

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 11:01 a.m. No.13275906   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Cult got him.

whappened? I spotted a new cult setting up in Guatemala…today.


Yes it's a cult…or will be…


But Twitter went on a white hate rampage. SRSLY I am begining to strongly dislike "people of color". Their white savior complex…wait..POC Savior complex is pathetic. 99.99999999% of them haven't left their home town of state…ever. WAAAA Lake Atilan can only be sacred to Guatemalans….waaaaa. right stupid ass niggers…what's at the bottom of Lake Atilan eh? FUCKING WHITE sunken pyramids and cities of the TALL WHITE RED HEADS.


Meh, Guatemala ran the kike cult out when they got creepy…they'll run these people out too if they start getting…freakier.

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 11:19 a.m. No.13275979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5992 >>6032


I kind of feel sorry for all you all. For instance they've been using body doubles/actors for Harry and Markle for close to a year. That Oprah interview was CGI/greenscreen like the Gaines's and obama… not in same room and Markle was herself…this time, and Harry was himself…this time but they were NOT even in the same room.

I literally have a folder of the doubles they've used. Markle is batshit insane psychopath.


This shit goes MUCH much deeper. That's NOT Hillary, it's CGI Hillary. Holy shit no amount of surgery could tidy that hot ugly ancient mess up that well.


NOTHING YOU'RE SEEING IS REAL. Why do you guys believe everything you see?

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 11:29 a.m. No.13276025   🗄️.is 🔗kun


RUN BY JEWS. China is a puppet of Israel. You know why Uhigher are in concentration camps? Why they've been forced to "breed" out of their ethnic group? Islam? KEK… Israel.


The Uhigher are about the only ethnic group left in China that has any DNA of the TALL RED HEADED WHITE people that JEWS hate with a passion and are sworn to hunt down and kill .


ANYWHERE the tall red headed people lived the JEWS have committed genocide by fomenting it…then blamed it on someone else.

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 11:31 a.m. No.13276030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6038


>i am just at that point with corsi,

You're kidding me, right? I listened to him on 1 episode of Patriots Prayer and knew he was a evil fucking kike mossad spook.


I never went back. The cumguzzling over Israel is disgraceful.

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 11:40 a.m. No.13276074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6096


NO, they're telling the truth. I don't like or use ANY SM..but at least Gab resisted the ZOG attempts to shut it down and ban shit they don't want people to see (like Europa the Last Battle)….or this EYE OPENING lecture "the faking of Hitler for History"…


So it's true. No fucking way would KUSHNER be OK with Trump being on a forum that permits exposure of the ZOG.


IF Trump did start a social media thing WHY TF would anyone join if most of the content that would redpill and educate would be banned? Also Trump has to maintain the illusion of sucking kike dick so no way could he be on GAB…they'd start screaming ANTI SEMITE….instantly.


YOu guys make these snap judgements with zero basis in fact or intelligence. Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you sound?


>GAB hates Trump.


I'll never use a SM that permits censorship. That includes anything Trump starts.


You retards he's NOT starting a SM….you'll see.


Ah, ok. Well he fell into disfavor and I knew "Patriots Prayer" was an Israeli bullshit op to control the narrative…all it took was 1 time listening. I always always listen….ONE time that bumbling ignorant old MOSSAD agent…and his PP cohorts sucking Israel dick? Yeah…obvious fraud is obvious. I guess Christians would be more gullible because Muh chosen…which is how they ALWAYS get control of you.

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 11:50 a.m. No.13276109   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>A remnant will be saved. A remnant is 10%.

KEK again your fucking book is a LARP. It's not real. So…maybe you might want to consider that "JOHN" on Patmos was literally stoned on his fucking ass when he wrote Revelation. Did you know that Patmos is now, and always has been a place where magic mushrooms grow? In particular the "Jesus mushroom?"


I've seen "ascension tards" talk about people disappearing into a different dimension..poof…it's just rebranded rapture. You believe whatever tf you want. The truth doesn't care about your feelings. YOUR belief is YOUR responsibility and so is waking up.


There's so many mechanisms for control…the Alien tards, ascension tards. rapture tards, you name it there's a "cult" with a "savior"…anything to keep you from learning what Issa was trying to teach…written by his twin brother Thomas in the Secret Gospel of Thomas…I AM…within you and without…I AM…the I AM energy..the I AM declaration the single two most powerful words in any language I AM….and yet YOU are brainwashed into handing over your power to someone else…oh yes HE IS but I AM NOT….


It's sad but I know..I grew up in that. But even at the age of 6 when I had to be hauled out for yelling at the preacher when he said "everyone who never knew Jesus will burn in hell"..something that I felt was patently unfair to cavemen.


Imagine being tricked / brainwashed into following a "religion" literally based on HUMAN SACRIFICE (Ba'al loves this part) and then celebrating that HUMAN SACRIFICE with a cannibal ritual. You're so brainwashed that the instant you read those words you'll recoil…deny….and double down. But it's true.


Do you even understand this?

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 12:08 p.m. No.13276202   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I can't stand listening to her. She's a high talker. I fucking HATE high talkers. Aussies and NZ people are almost t always high talkers.


KEK but the DEMS are getting a little of that shit they handed out to Trump…what goes around comes around.

Look at AOC flashing the white supremacy sign…sad. Many such cases…and she went to the fence and cried for the brown children.

Anonymous ID: 5659f9 March 22, 2021, 12:15 p.m. No.13276242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6259


>>she is waiting for me to act as if we are making love

No one gives AF about your SHIT gender. STFU with the pronouns. If you had STFU about your gender from the start no one would know WTF you are…as if telling people gives you some agency. What's in your pants is irrelevant and that anyone knows what is in there at all is pathetic af.