What are you referring to?
Anons were hoping that her discovery in the case would shine a light on the thousands of examples of voter fraud.
"The Colorado police are pleading with people not to share any tactical information they see on social media"
Falso Flago basically kangfirmed imo.
sauce or gtfo
Then proceed to gtfo, useless.
why tf is his leg totally red.
News guy just said "while we are trying to prevent__ err present the best information we can to the public we have to be careful about what we say"
Not sure, also can't find any conservative outlets reporting on it.
this is the best descripton I've seen. Kekking hard at FJJ. Now I'm listening to this fucking old fag explain how his 13 and 14 y.o. grandaughters went in for a covid shot (of course) and they hid in a coat closet until the police came through the roof and led them out the back. He ends with "I just wish we had better gun control laws".
No Doubt this is a FF
They took the witnesses on a bus right to the police station to 'talk to them about what they saw' is this normal protocol?
very productive post Canaanite! Tell us more!!
This guy is a really bad liar.
Yeah the legal linguistics just hurts my brain, wish there were more legalfags here to decipher whether this is a power move or submission to the cabal.