"The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open." — The Kybalion.
You are the light!
Blutheralcoholbluthers is underrated, in my opinion! Truhinanashuhaldepressa is an important topic, but…
For Anons who speak German. It is a presser about the childabuse in Cologne… I shared it in the German bread, but… The story is absolute horror!
Missbrauchsfälle Köln: Vorstellung Ergebnisse und Konsequenzen aus dem Gutachten vom 18. März
I just watched it and I have to admit, Tucker is doing a good job on some topics…
Tucker: The country you grew up in teeters on its foundation
With a sense of a really weird kind of humor, this is a watchable shitshow with numerous "no plan what I am talking about"…
But the question I have is… Is it even legal to block comments on the "official" "white house" channel? Legal is a term for them with no existence, I know… The channel looks awkward as the rest of this madness in front of my eyes…
Not here, fren!
Well… Then let us two lonly maniacs watch a vulcano errupt! Live!