Evergreen International Aviation, Inc.’s Ties to the CIA, Terrorism, Iraq War … and Fox News
April 4, 2012
Evergreen International Aviation, Inc. is an Oregon-based aviation company with longstanding ties to the CIA
In October 2008, Evergreen president Tom Wiggins emailed Oregon county clerks, offering his firm’s services on Election Day. “During this crucial election Evergreen Defense and Security Services has recognized the potential conflict that could occur on November 4,” the email stated. “Never has there been a more heated battle in the race for president and voters seem more involved and determined to achieve their respective goals. EDSS proposes to post sentries at each voting center on November 4 to assure that disputes among citizens do not get out of control. All guards will be unarmed but capable of stopping any violence that may occur, and detaining troublemakers until law enforcement help arrives
The offer “baffled county clerks and the Elections Division, who did not solicit the security help” and didn’t anticipate security problems, according to [2] Moreover, the state has “no actual polling places, since Oregon went to vote by mail several years ago,” noted the News-Review of Roseburg, Oregon. [3] Counties do set up areas where voters can drop off their ballots. EDSS “didn’t get any bites from the counties,” reported The Oregonian.
In 2007, former Evergreen employee Russell Defreitas was accused of involvement in an alleged terrorist plot to attack New York’s JFK airport. Media reports gave conflicting dates for his service with Evergreen subsidiary Evergreen EAGLE:
long article way too much to post
evergreen eagle?