Amen baker.
Epstein worked for the CIA. The CIA is run by Satan.
COVID MKULTRA'D the world.
It didn't take, they are screwed.
The Great Awakening.
It is finished.
Suppers Ready.
//'//'//'//'////I'm really old and have no tech skills but I can take over this website if Jesus needs me to.
Tech can't beat the creator of all things.
>Intelligence is retarded.
Pence fucked up.
Then CIA is Mossad.
>Harry chose Satan not his grandmother.
The Queen of England is Gods chosen. No matter how weird that seems.
It's the Bible.
A white woman saves the world.
He had no idea what he was doing.
China Russia Gog and Magog.
Israel and Briton have nothing to do with Revelations.
Gog and Magog.
China and Russia.
Gates gets whats coming to her.
Gay in a bad way.
Mooney means nothing. God is everything.
Dear antisemite Jesus hates you.
Nope Satan lost 2021 years ago.
Kill Kill Kill!
Islm is Satan.
There is only one religion Christ and his sacrifice.
Islam is child rape.
Teach them.
You got this!
I'll be dead soon take my place. Its worth it. Know everything. Monetize it Jesus doesn't care.
>Constantine invented fake christianity called Catholicism.
>Constantine invented fake christianity called Catholicism.
Because he knew Jesus was God not him.
Jesus hates you.
Thats religion.
War what is it good for absolutely nothing.
>War what is it good for absolutely nothing.
Who are you?
Tell me who are you?
Q and Trump failed you Jesus loves you.
Joe Biden isn't President..
Jesus and no other.
Jesus is president of the United States because Trump fucked up.
Trump thought it was all about Trump.
God chose Trump because Trump is a looser.
Trump lost. Trump is a looser.
Trump will golf and nothing else. Trump destroyed the Republican party,
I drink 3 bottles of wine a day. Is that bad?
Q has no idea what it is doing.
Q lost her salary.
Trump has no idea who Jesus is.
Q has no idea what good music is.
Q is a broken algorithm.
Q is the biggest looser on the planet.
Q Trumps them all. Q is Satan.
Gotta serve somebody.
Drop dead and get lost looser.
Q is Satan. Trump loves himself not God.
Trump is Satan.
Q is the biggest pussy that worked for the government.
Trump hd no idea what he was doing.
Jesus loves Bob.
Show me.
Q is a moron.
The Jews are the smarter humans on the world.
Jesus the king of the Jews saved the world.
Q is Satan.
Q s
q fucked
trump in the ass.
The Queen of England is the antichrtist.