Afraid to walk down the street?
I understand, one option is to start a parallel government that holds to the constitution and push out those who don't.
So an idea I have had, is why don't we put out messages to convince all these suicidal people to at least take out the enemies of the United States instead of ending their own lives first?
Reparations is for pussies who cant take what they want.
Don't live the victim life. Choose to take control of your own life….. whatever it takes.
I'm saying this as a Veteran who could claim a lot more disability but I'm not a victim.
really old article
Then just take a gun with you to the doctors office. If they don't get you what you need, then your gonna die anyways so use what you have to get what you need.
Take control of your own life.
Obviously the testing did. You are giving up when you still have options. It's totally up to you, but you still have choices. Stop being a Victim is the best advice I can give.
Well that was extreme, but if you have other ideas that is less drastic, its up to you to use the brain God gave you.
Thank you
Yeah I'm noticing that here, but I have way to help outside of the internet.
I know I'm being unforgiving in my comments to Mr. Plutonium but I am not taking this lightly. I will do what I can from my side.