Hope this was covered already?
Uncle Intel- Upcoming Economic Crash [22/02/2021]
"My cousin is a lobbyist for a major US cargo carrier. He was home this last weekend and after too much Woodford Reserve he started talking about the upcoming “Force Majeure” clause they had recently re-written for the carrier operations. The gist is cargo jets from major US carriers plus Kallita, Tepper, L3 Comm, North American Airlines(Obama’s old buddies) and Evergreen etc…will be taken over by US govt under the Civil/Miltary transport agreements.
A national emergency will be declared thus allowing force majeure. The internet/power grid/finance system, possibly 1 or all, will be taken down and some type of reset will happen.
He said timeline is end of March but can slip if necessary.. bottom line is Bido has to be able to blame it on Trump. More it slips the more Bido owns it. Look for usual suspects, false flags, etc…"
Fuckin' aye, precision prediction, if you ask me. Thoughts?