My recruiter called me today and I didn't answer, why would I want to be a cog in the wheel of a machine that hates my conservative ideology? Super disappointed because I've had my sights set on fighting for my country since Trump/Maga helped reinstill my patriotic spirit. Sad stuff guys….sad stuff….
brushes my black dyed hair out of my eyes
It's the booze anon, the gravity of my situation is setting in as I read how these service members can't even mention Antifa or BLM in their 'extremism' programming lectures..
To be fair I was going to be a mechanic for thew airforce but still I'd be contributing to the endless war machine. Always disliked the military for the endless wars and guarding of poppy fields but now they're targeting Americans with 'wrong-think'.
Was literally just thinking about this a second ago, I see it like this there are 2 outcomes:
1.) Military turns into a LGBTQ/racist anti-white force who cares more about color of skin than content of character, or
2.) Conservatives keep their heads down and work their way up the ranks and eventually attempt to try and go against some of these radical left ideas only to be kicked out for wrong-think or merked with a heartattack gun kek.
Doesn't bode well for patriots either way.
Same to you fren, happy birthday whenever that may be.
I'm just kinda tryna work on jet fighters and stuffs kek. Not tryna be a fag infantryman or anything remotely close to that.. But I do appreciate your response.