If you don't understand how to think for yourself, someone else will be thinking for you.
160 pound hack
the slavery called the (((money system))) is obsolete for humans
money only exists because otherwise no one would feel forced to work for the degenerate jewish narrative
money is a satanic system, it fills no purpose for humans, only for the (((slave drivers)))
If what you would do, you only do because of money, then you are trapped in the satanic system.
if there was no money, do you think farmers and ranchers would feel less obliged to feed the people of their nation?
the only ones ruining this are the jews poisoning the wells with their 'medicine' and 'culture'.
it is only this way because they forced the slave system on humans, now people can not imagine how humanity survived before it (as per the (((deceptive))) design).
I'm not greedy, because I was raised by parents who knew of the jew.
think about it like this, what if the only ting required from humans was to remain human, and at an adult age start a family and to use their time in the most thought out way imaginable.
do you think humans would not naturally strive for their children to have more resources to start a healthy family?
If every human was expected to do the same, they would eventually cooperate, because there is no shortage of land or food.
the reason this does not work currently, is because people are not told about the satanic ways of jews, who aim to enslave humanity and bring about it's ultimate demise.
voting matters because when more people are aware of voting fraud robbing their voice from them, more can be done about it.
staying 'relevant' at twitter is going full marxist
the 'equality' (((democrats))) promise is that you will be force to be equal to satanists
I will never forget that Jesus calls out those of the synagogue of satan.
It has guided me well.
calling out those of the synagogue of satan is being honest
because of the synagogue of satan, people are expected not to be honest, as it will offend the satanists, who implemented 'laws' to normalize their degeneracy
wtf do you want to waste your time bouncing a ball for a jew?
jews are always the victim of their own jewry
jews are behind the satanic 'marxism'
karl marx is a jew
it was designed to infiltrate nations, to take control of every aspect of a country to starve people to death and kill those that remained in wars to spread the satanic plauge that is marxism
the synagogue of satan is a death cult
no, I don't act like a jew
I don't need to try to be 'better than a jew', as a human, remaining human, I am naturally better than a jew, as jews satanic rituals are aimed to dehumanize them.
more like a (((fellow anon)))