this one does a 'I support you' bit but it supports only the concept of a person who is unhinged becuase of the news.
the fakeness of it all should put any anon off on (put off any anon) from being 'upset' or 'worried' about the 'fencing' or the 'situation on the ground in DC'.
it's all an empty hallway at the end of the day,right? The people's house?
the whole thing is a stage show and who is in charge?
someone supposedly from Europe asks that in the bread. As if a single person or group rules the whole world or country.
'who is in charge'
People are in charge of themselves.
and when they do the 'oh, worst case hyperbole' I say 'I don't think this is a real person'
(or at least they aren't being real right now).
so take heart: all the discouragment here is scripted fakeness.
all the 'oh the bible and Jesus and the sin of the democrats': fake and scripted and crafted in the ages of the past.
Jesus Christ forgives people.
the hell-and brimestone people are the inverse of that.
so recognize: the post makes you 'feel' or 'worry', let it go. It's part of a script of discouragment.
even more so now that this place is full-on honey paught.
(and from time to time they might let you interact with some real people. Or they ban you and make you thnk
everyone is getting banned. Or here is the good one: they just tell you right out and let you know they run the place.
or the one that I liked was the overnight bread where everyone in it was either tripping on mushrooms, Peyote, or LSD, like a big party was going on at some farm near a swamp someplace.