the goat banger was so repressed, look at that home. Fucking sack of entitled shit.
seriously i would have smashed that niggers head open with a bottle.
how cute you still think voting matters. you must be new.
well that really is the question isn't it, can we overwhelm it, and even if we did like this last time i would think they would just lie about it again, there is no trust. You also have to ask why was 2016 allowed now. that is a blacker pill one i am not quite ready to take.
voting is for gullible faggots. Seems we were pretty aware this last time and they still lied and cheated. So unless it gets totally exposed i for one will not vote even if it is for trump.
hmm i forgot that one. but they really don't and i am not sure they ever really have its just another illusion of control they use against people. Let them think they are free while they are still in a cage.
i think its michelle moore now his tits are bigger than obamas