Baden-Powell’s first regimental posting was to the 13th Hussars, a cavalry regiment with a long tradition. They were perhaps best known for their part in the Charge of the Light Brigade before the Russian guns at Balaklava in the Crimean War . Battle Honors for the 13th Hussars included: "Waterloo," "Peninsula," "Toulouse," "Orthes," "Vittoria," and "Albuhera" in the Napoleonic Wars; "Alma," "Balaklava" (Charge of the Light Brigade), "Inkerman," and "Sevastapol" in the Crimean War; and, "South Africa 1899-1902" and "Relief of Ladysmith" in the Boer War.
Smells like BP Oil.
Are Powell and Baden/Biden connected?
Powell and Enron?