Demshits and their media idiots don't know a damn thing about or are lying about the mRNA gene therapy fake vax. You're being used as a LAB RAT (for profit)!
1) The mRNA gene therapy jab is NOT and never has been FDA approved. No long term effects ever studied, first mRNA injected into humans and won’t be FDA approved for a long time (not that ‘FDA approved’ means anything anyway).
2) You CANNOT sue any of the companies if you suffer effects, and your family CANNOT sue if you die (the companies have ZERO liability for ANYTHING that happens to you, at any time). Check your life Insurance policy…may not be covered under any of your Insurance policies as well.
3) The fake vax can only suppresses symptoms making people asymptotic carriers. Read that one again! The fake vax can only suppresses symptoms making people asymptotic carriers.
4) Will not protect you from Variants of Covid 19, not known if the vax actually causes the or may cause additional variants of covid 19.
5) Not a vaccine, it's an experimental mRNA gene therapy never given to humans before. Corruptly placed under a vaccine for NO manufacture liability (protected from all or any law suits).
6 ) If it was so safe, why would you censor/cover up the side effects? If it was so safe, why would they not label all the ingredients or want to make it mandatory?
7 ) Pharm companies can only get an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) if no other treatments exist. Now you know why they attacked HCQ, Ivermectin, etc. so hard. $$$$$
8) Take your fake vax and shove it up your (Y)!
Take Your fake Covid Vax (actually a mRNA gene therapy) and shove it, I'll go to the emergency room or hospital that has Monoclonal Antibody Infusion (2 hr. IV) therapy available.
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview Wednesday that he was close to death after testing positive for COVID-19 until he got federal approval to take the therapeutic President Donald Trump took when he contracted the deadly virus.