Could Taiwan Hold off A Chinese Invasion
There are only 2 - 4 week windows a year in which China could sucessfully cross the Taiwanese straight to invade Taiwan. April and October.
Make the Suez even more interdasting
Could Taiwan Hold off A Chinese Invasion
There are only 2 - 4 week windows a year in which China could sucessfully cross the Taiwanese straight to invade Taiwan. April and October.
Make the Suez even more interdasting
Naval War College Review
Volume 54
Number 4
Autumn Article 52001
How China Might Invade Taiwan
Nonetheless, the Chinese would find the number of tasks in a final assault,and the complexity of integrating them, daunting. In particular, they wouldhave to sustain air superiority over an extended period. Moreover, the com-mander ashore would have to organize an airmobile theater reserve, a forcecombining parachute and heliborne units. Just to get ashore, the landing forcecommanders would have to improvise extensively to deal with the inhospitableTaiwanese west coast, which is mostly mud flats, with significant tidal ranges. The Chinese would also have to contend with two monsoon seasons, from Au-gust to September and from November to April; it would be restricted to two“windows” of attack, from May to July and the month of October. Still, such im-pediments did not thwart U.S. amphibious forces at Inchon during the KoreanWar; nor did coral reefs and an extremely low tide prevent the seizure of Tarawain World War II.
Rumors of War in the Taiwan Strait
March 20, 2021
Fears that China will soon launch a military attack against Taiwan have spiked.
Three factors are feeding this anxiety. The first is the assessment by many outside experts that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), which includes China’s navy, air force, and strategic rocket arsenal, has reached or is very close to reaching such a level of strength that attempting to forcibly compel Taiwan to politically unify with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is a feasible policy option. Among these assessments, none carried more weight than that of Admiral Philip Davidson, chief of the U.S. military’s Indo-Pacific Command. Davidson opined before a U.S. Senate Committee in February that China might try to seize Taiwan by military means “in the next six years.”
>Really curious what's in the shipping containers…
If you believe there are people in those containers you are fucking retarded.
The United States (USA) vs The World - Who Would Win? Military / Army Comparison
The Suez Canal is about the most important strategic waterway in the world if you want to control the Oil flow and starve the world of Oil. If WW3 is about to break out the canal would be one of if not the top priority for the US to either control or disable. The fact that Taiwan is whom blocked it, and the it is the end of March (China can only attack Taiwan in April or October due to typhoon season) should tell you everything you need to know. That tanker isn't stuck in a place that will halt trade and military movements worldwide due to a few hundred cargo containers of trafficking victims. This is about something MUCH MUCH fucking bigger.
>anything bigger than this would be huge
Think Depopulation
The lines have been drawn.
>Think Depopulation
>The lines have been drawn.
Easiest way to get DePopulation? Nuclear war.
How could you start a Nuke war with cargo ships?
Blocking the canal is blocking the canal, matters not if it is a container ship or a tanker.
Are you talking about in the video? So basically you just wasted for posts. Cool.
More stingy than you are with stupidity it appears.