Set = Cain.
The self-serving counterbalance, which by definition, creates balance.
Set = Cain.
The self-serving counterbalance, which by definition, creates balance.
So pop Set into this mix, please.
That connecting portion of central america from north to south is about to be a memory.
Despite his name Fauxi must be of the diminutive French line like Zuch, et al.
Has it dawned on anyone that for over a year now we've assigned our liberties to individuals who issued proclamations without any law behind it?
Has SCOTUS heard a mask "mandate" case yet? How the fuck are we letting this habben?
So if I won't fly with a mask and the airline denies boarding, will anon by vindicated by suing?
No kidding anons. That shit right there is awesome.
Raniere is holding that bottle of water like DJT did the bottle of FIJI in his press conference.
That's an obelisk at a specific angle.
4 sixes are not the same as three.
q research has depth right now that anon really doesn't remember. There are leaps, and then there are leaps.
Square instead of a triangle.
Your backorder of (x y z) from China.
Indeed, DJT was telling them, "I know."
Has habbened moar than once.
(Anon is determined to preserve the old ways.)
Sweet Jebus. Prepubescent boys hold anon's future.
That we are having fun with it is even better in God's eye.