Does this look like a Q to you?
Yeah, not like ratings or market value has anything to do with it.. such a terrible example.. there are real examples that could be used (i guess, don't know, where I work, women have the same potential and a woman in the same position as me earns maybe 50% more because she's been there 3 or 4 years longer and has built that value into the company)
There are though theoretically real examples of inequity.. to use an example like this is just meant to divide dipshits that have next-to-nil understanding of economics
Not really.. its not like he's going to catch/hold much attention.. more like just a consistent namefag.. i don't know about the past, but for the recent 5 months or so, he's been gently positive and mostly harmless
if you're annoyed by famefagging, you shouldn't make memes about the famefags, kek
Yeah what you said was fair too, I was just elaborating in agreement.. It's not the same job, as you say, and its not even in the same market, frankly.. not everyone who watches mens soccer keeps up with women's soccer.. stupid comparison to use in politics about wage gap/salary gap.
He's not asking about his chest, but… yea see it
Me neither… good eye. I'll admit I used to watch it and it can be hilarious, but family guy sucks, its totally hollywood brand filth, not that surprising.
Rick and morty is one that I'm kind of stumped on, one would assume its bent, and its got the whole anti-white male themes with Jerry, but.. rick also says some really on point shit that's critical of what is basically democrat corruption and espouses conservative views as well, and there was the whole KFC reference "didn't they just give us a crap ton of money?" line, which indeed they apparently paid for product placement to adultswim or rick and morty or whatever.. but it happened right near when KFC made a public donation to BLM and a significantly larger donation to the Trump campaign and tried to be quiet about it…
only one is backwards tho.. so not a 6.. and its off to itself