>>13293242 pb
It has nothing to do with not deserving to be here. It's what was promised to us by God.
And that promise is ONLY and specifically for the time during God's wrath on the EVIL of the Earth.
>>13293242 pb
It has nothing to do with not deserving to be here. It's what was promised to us by God.
And that promise is ONLY and specifically for the time during God's wrath on the EVIL of the Earth.
All of humanity is corrupt!
The penalties for sin is death.
In Christ we are redeemed.
The debt is paid.
We get to live in Heaven.
That's the Good news.
I'm not Catholic. No transubstantiation for me.
And there was no human sacrifice.
I'm not trying to troll you so will just leave it at that.
Hey Q… where's this justice at, you fucking cunts?
Yes, God knows the heart.
The real question is…what is this ship distracting us from? What if the deep state knows there'd be an obsession over the "Evergreen" deal…and it's misdirection.
Not if the distraction is meant to cater to a particular crowd. A crowd that doesn't watch CNN.
This explains much. For those with an open mind only.
Kab has been teaching Truth for 3.5 years. Worth checking out and seeing if it resonates with you. He's been talking about the Galactic Federation of Light for ages now. Friendly "ET" / Angels / ELOHIM like Q have been helping Trump and White Hats.
I both agree, and disagree with this. I believe there are UFOs… both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial.
Congratulations…you're seeing an aircraft do what an aircraft does. Must be big habbenings if there's a plane in the air. That's so rare.
Q = a bunch of do nothing cunts.
mArCh MaDnEsS…derrrrrrr
Remember when Q said "justice is coming"…and then it never came?
Remember when Q said that transparency & accountability were the only way…and you got neither?
Pepperidge Farms remembers…
As soon as the "vaccines" leave EUA status and become FDA approved; then they will make them mandatory for everyone. Starting with providing "privileged access" (Travel, flying, theaters, stadiums, cruise ships etc.) to those who comply voluntarily. After so much time passes pretty much everyone will 'cave' and take the chip, I mean "vaccine".