Anonymous ID: 423aa9 March 24, 2021, 10:17 p.m. No.13293525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3636

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements


>>13293250 OP


>>13293263 Dough


Notables @250



>>13293282 Biden claims Equal pay for equal work is common sense — and it’s long overdue. As president, I’m committed to closing the gap once and for all. (lower case again…QSG)

>>13293315 Judicial Watch Obtains Emails Showing Fauci’s NIH Accommodated China’s Terms for Confidentiality Surrounding COVID-19 in February 2020

>>13293357 The Babylon Bee Is the Recall Gavin Newsom campaign a right-wing attack?! Gavin Newsom goes undercover to find out! (Cap)

>>13293380>>13293417 US Navy Map..Edgar Cayce map…the NMFZ is supposed to drain the great lakes through the middle of the US…basically splitting it in two.

>>13293383, >>13293366 >>13293313




>>13293321 <<<<< Show them




>>13293327 <<<< US Navy air carrier








>>13293383Evergreen is dug in pretty good A good way to move the cargo containers off the cargo ship onto the US Navy air carrier Now you can show the world what's in the shipping containers


>>13293416, >>13293433, >>13293481, >>13293453, Japan-owned container ship runs aground in Suez Canal





Bakers rig and connection is having trouble, in case bakes disappears again for a while

Chasing the edge, call em' out