Anonymous ID: 5c1634 March 24, 2021, 10:24 p.m. No.13293556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3670

>>13292577 Attacks on Cuomo continue. Odds are that there are very powerful interests in the D-party that want him out of office. (PB)


It's cover for MUCH bigger crimes he's either hiding or involved in. Why were the nursing home shenanigans so blatantly obvious to begin with?

To confirm, went to fauxNOnews com and, predictably enough, Commiecuomo pics & "headlines" are Top & Center, bonus pic of him & fredo…

Normies will require the shit being shocked out of them and the EBS to do it because, until the Tass/pravda situation is taken care of, this sickening comic show will have to continue.

While TASS (had a loyal faux fam member) may have flashed some adult grope victims a couple of years ago, OANN (which many people still have no idea exists/can't get) was airing this along with all of their Biden Corruption Investigative Pieces & NEWS:

( ^ mp4 Vid)


Soros/NWO-Communist-controlled Mockingbird is more dangerous and inflamatory than any rotten "politicians". These China-owned "Politicians" couldn't do shit making our Country the Laughing Stock of Earth without their Propaganda outlets!

NONE of the intentional chynaPedo "malaprops" are even ridicule-worthy because it's SICKENING.

Anonymous ID: 5c1634 March 24, 2021, 10:51 p.m. No.13293678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3683 >>3685


He does not have to. This place is his and his Team's. Personally believe his Designated Hitter(s?) looks after this place. We are in GREAT hands - and Great Company, anons.

^ VID above ^ Listen to POTUS' answer regarding "QAnon" ^