Nobody will be arrested. Just in case you haven't figured it out yet, that's not the way the world works. Complete lawlessness, worldwide. Not jack shit is going to happen. Just another bullshit nothing burger as always.
Nobody is going to vote again. Trump talked shit for years about draining the swamp yet he did nothing but surround himself with swamp. "Obama spied on my campaign and got caught, let's see what happens." Not jack shit happened. Not a single arrest or prosecution of the criminal traitors. Instead, we got arrested. Americans are sick of the lying con artists and enough will stay home, just like they did during the Georgia runoffs. The deep state is stronger now than it was before Trump. That's what happens when you support a lying cock sucking con artist.
Q served his purpose. The goal was to keep pissed off American patriots sitting on their asses doing nothing while the New World Order unleashed hell on the United States. A perfect plan.
Q very well could be a woman. Just think about all the times Anons got their hopes up only to get kicked in the balls. Seriously, it's unlikely that a man would do that because he would know what it feels like. This is why I stay the fuck away from Q's bullshit riddles. I'm protecting my nuts from that stupid bitch Q. Fuck you Q!
The Obamas were a disgrace to the White House. Do you realize how much anal sex took place there during those long 8 years? The rumor I heard was that Michelle literally wiped her ass on the carpet and curtains. Why the fuck do you think Melania wouldn't move their right away? Q made up a stupid excuse for Hussein about "Satan has left the White House" , but that was just hogwash. The real reason for the renovations was due to the years of nigger anal sex and all the other debauchery that went along with it. The moral of the story is that Melania is smart and Trump is an idiot for moving in there so fast. First thing Melania did was throw away every mattress Lmao.
Trust Sessions….. lmao.
Q, you son of a bitch.