US Navy Map..Edgar Cayce map…the NMFZ is supposed to drain the great lakes through the middle of the US…basically splitting it in two.
I have chekcked with NON channeling RV's and almost without exception they're posting 1 thing..the tower card (it all comes down)…and Vedic astrology calls for major happenings in this timeframe.
I don't follow "profits" I don't "see" the way Remote viewers do but I call it that because it makes people cozier than trying to explain that gentically I can jump ahead, behind, and side to side on the dark field energy. I did see one RV'r who saw the virus for exactly what it was..they don't post much public because…trouble. I did tap into HIS drawings and concurred. I also was able to get a bead on the man…but that's mostly over now…the intention of the "blankets" aka vaccine is clear…since election night I have literally refused to answer my phone or tell anyone anything.
People have to decide for themselves. It was buzzing off the hook because they see…wait..wut..Anon was right..WTAF…ring ring what should we doooo.
Sorry…individual choices. I personally wish to be off world but I don't think that's going to happen. I don't fucking want to do this shit…..
That being said…i have kept an eye on Farsight and think they're comp'd af. Let me tell you a secret…things can show up to you however they want to. In my training I was told NEVER EVER have anything to do with "remote communications/channeled information" because the Archons are the great liars/tricksters. I have stuck to that and it's served me well. So when I see people 'Muh federation of light" I shut my fucking ears. That kike claiming that?
Well you better watch tf out for any kike making alien claims. That's all. NO ONE is coming to save us. Depends on what you mean by "saving"…nothing comes for free in this universe…nothing. Not even help. My elder taught me to stay with earth unless I wish to be "spare parts"….that the earth is OURS and others want it for themselves. THEY can promise you they sky…but do they really mean you well? I wonder.
We're here on the 4chan prophecy.
>the bear will leave its cave forever.
>the belly of the dragon will drip water…
>a star will gorge itself on clay
Under NO circumstances should THEY be allowed to claim what they're after in the Atlantic…or Finger Lakes.
Here's something to remember…truth is truth. The truth isn't different depending on who hears it, lies are different. Thus all the hundreds of different stories/promises from channelers promising everything is going to be OK. I just saw some psychic claiming that dam wasn't going to break..well that same psychic channels..and has said the Queen is a lizard etc…that's NOT true. The moment that psychic started channeling the dead…or Aliens is the very moment something else took over.
Physical depiction of Archon in "CHOSEN" human form….