Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 24, 2021, 9:43 p.m. No.13293380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3417 >>3491


US Navy Map..Edgar Cayce map…the NMFZ is supposed to drain the great lakes through the middle of the US…basically splitting it in two.


I have chekcked with NON channeling RV's and almost without exception they're posting 1 thing..the tower card (it all comes down)…and Vedic astrology calls for major happenings in this timeframe.


I don't follow "profits" I don't "see" the way Remote viewers do but I call it that because it makes people cozier than trying to explain that gentically I can jump ahead, behind, and side to side on the dark field energy. I did see one RV'r who saw the virus for exactly what it was..they don't post much public because…trouble. I did tap into HIS drawings and concurred. I also was able to get a bead on the man…but that's mostly over now…the intention of the "blankets" aka vaccine is clear…since election night I have literally refused to answer my phone or tell anyone anything.


People have to decide for themselves. It was buzzing off the hook because they see…wait..wut..Anon was right..WTAF…ring ring what should we doooo.


Sorry…individual choices. I personally wish to be off world but I don't think that's going to happen. I don't fucking want to do this shit…..


That being said…i have kept an eye on Farsight and think they're comp'd af. Let me tell you a secret…things can show up to you however they want to. In my training I was told NEVER EVER have anything to do with "remote communications/channeled information" because the Archons are the great liars/tricksters. I have stuck to that and it's served me well. So when I see people 'Muh federation of light" I shut my fucking ears. That kike claiming that?


Well you better watch tf out for any kike making alien claims. That's all. NO ONE is coming to save us. Depends on what you mean by "saving"…nothing comes for free in this universe…nothing. Not even help. My elder taught me to stay with earth unless I wish to be "spare parts"….that the earth is OURS and others want it for themselves. THEY can promise you they sky…but do they really mean you well? I wonder.


We're here on the 4chan prophecy.

>the bear will leave its cave forever.

>the belly of the dragon will drip water…

>a star will gorge itself on clay


Under NO circumstances should THEY be allowed to claim what they're after in the Atlantic…or Finger Lakes.


Here's something to remember…truth is truth. The truth isn't different depending on who hears it, lies are different. Thus all the hundreds of different stories/promises from channelers promising everything is going to be OK. I just saw some psychic claiming that dam wasn't going to break..well that same psychic channels..and has said the Queen is a lizard etc…that's NOT true. The moment that psychic started channeling the dead…or Aliens is the very moment something else took over.


Physical depiction of Archon in "CHOSEN" human form….

Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 24, 2021, 9:45 p.m. No.13293391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3426


>God's wrath on the EVIL of the Earth.

Of which "Christians" are probably more than half. EVIL is as EVIL does. Christians were led into evil and supporting evil by their own stupidity and naivety. YOU REALLY THINK you're not responsible for that? I got fucking news for you bro.

Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 24, 2021, 9:55 p.m. No.13293429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3475 >>3554

>>13293291 (pb)

>magnetic pole shift would do it

Yep..essentially I panicked at first…great despondency…my mind was just…blown. I tried to find what could cause this…so yeah a pole shift is currently and has been underway. I've also got the Hopi Timekeeper's teaching about the earth birthing the mystery egg….you know, that fucking Chan Thomas stole the ancient story and changed it a bit and gave it to the CIA.


That involves planetary displacement, crustal displacement. The elders teach that the mother births the core at regular intervals. That Earth started out beyond where Pluto is now. That the core gathers mass (iron accumulation) and once it gets big enough the earth births the core (the story I was taught) from the North Wadden sea in Antarctica and the earth then flings into a different orbit. Crust falls into the opening..etc. I was always told that no matter what shows in the sky, never ever leave earth. Ever. I plan on sticking to what my elders taught me no matter what happens. Thus far never listening to channeling and channelers or people claiming to have "contact"…has kept ME on the path of truth.


Learning is hard. You're not born knowing everything…that whole timeline stuff blew my wee lineaery mind. But now get it….and have been able to "SEE" across…sometimes it's like standing in the middle of a 12 land super highway with traffic whizzing by at high speeds from both directions. BOTH things are true…but they're true in different timelines.


IN the old timeline I originally saw in 2007…..Hillary did win, and those wars did happen…the most I can sort from this is what I felt shifting the night humans actively chose imperfect truth over willful ignorance. That choice shifted US back into our organic timeline. Ingersol Lockwood also saw that other timeline…that's why I think they worked to accomplish a shift.


I don't think this new website is an accident.

Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 24, 2021, 9:57 p.m. No.13293438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3488


>In Christ we are redeemed.

>The debt is paid.

>We get to live in Heaven.

Now you're just trolling to get me to post..KEK imagine believing, NAY needing a good old fashioned human sacrifice and a cannibal ritual to celebrate it. This makes Ba'al so very happy.

Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 24, 2021, 10:13 p.m. No.13293505   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh wow…:( I didn't look at what happens to OZ. The only thing I know down under related is for NZ…"when the dam breaks in China, head to the high ground" from a Maori elder. That led me to think the dam breaking was natural..meaning earth-based disaster not some human blowing it up like the chinks want people to believe…I was thinking back on when I was a child—again and it really bothered me in history/geography classes that teachers didn't seem to kNOW how people got where they were. I got in trouble for saying "they were always there, see on the globe how the earth fits together like a puzzle?" KEK…good thing they stopped burning "heretics"….personally I think this expanding earth theory fits perfectly with planetary displacement…I was revisiting this the other day and oddly they're still working on finding the mechanism/force that drove the expansion…"raises hand, points to HopiTimekeeper's story…" the force of the ejection of the center of mass…the core is constantly growing due to the accumulation iron at it's center over millions of years.


IMHO I FEEL this one (vid related) and "Pangea" is a bullshit.


I got kicked out of church at 6 for shouting at the preacher who was fire and brimstoning everyone who never knew Jesus… believe I stood up and yelled something like "it's not FAAAIIIR what about the cave men????"….I got hauled straight out to the nursery room kicking and screaming and plopped down and told to calm down…but the sermon was piped in so…I carried on trying to redeem the poor cavemen from hell. …I was pretty butthurt about that. one of my strongest, earliest memories about just KNOWING internally that bullshit story was not true. (Christianity)


Late everyone tried to give me lots of excuses, none of which washed…I mean if Cave Men didn't need a human sacrifice to go to heaven, why does anyone else?


They just never made sense.

Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 24, 2021, 10:22 p.m. No.13293550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3596


If my elders were correct….and they've never once been wrong…then there will be a "harvest" of willing humans…they have to "tell you the truth"…we're here to help…they don't have to tell you everything…meaning if they appear in the sky as Jesus so to speak..right? Everyone will want to go..or like in V…everyone wants that good healing medicine…like in Stargate SG-1 that race that promised humans a vaccine that would keep them young and healthy…they didn't tell them that it made them….INFERTILE.


I am going to stick to what I was taught. I listen to but never believe ANYONE who channels anything, ever. Sorry not sorry. I refuse to "talk to dead people" and refuse to "call up the dead" because "dead people got better shit to do". IF a 'dead person' actually comes to me with a message on their OWN? Then I will relay that message. that has happened exactly 2xs in my life and both times when I relayed the message (both times to complete strangers…that I met AFTER the message came) it was life changing for the recipient.


Channel this or that person? BULLSHIT….it's all fucking bullshit. The second a "psychic" steps into that space they're fucked. Go dig up "channeled" princess diana or JFK JR..or anyone…the truth is the truth the story should be the same…instead they're being fucked by the Archons…the "tricksters" of the astral world….as far as I know only Kim Clements nailed everything this timeline.


HE said it was from "God"..well OK…but no Christian would ever have listened to him otherwise…they'd be more inclined to burn him at the stake. I could claim that what I see comes from "god"…kek but not even I believe that. I am what I am. I was literally born this way. and NO I'm not o-…kek.

Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 24, 2021, 10:34 p.m. No.13293599   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Do you believe in the idea of 'starseeds' (gayest name ever)?

KEK sorry, forgot to answer that. IF your goal is to 'harvest' humans and get them to come along willingly…what story would you tell them? You're Orion starseed….or the most common "pleiadian"…KEK…OK but personally all these people being told by channelers what "starseed" they are kind of sets people up….to just go….

It's funny how movies/tv shows have mirrored what I was taught. I didn't find stargate until past summer and instantly recognized many of the "associations/stories"….

Cloud Atlas is basically a documentary…they warned you…V is documentary…they warned you…the very idea that space races with advanced tech are somehow better character is stupid af. Stargate again….even the goa'ould could ascend….and the "Ancients" wouldn't lift a finger to help others being destroyed by the Ori…NO ONE wanted to give earth tech…for obvious reasons. I liked that Thor and Freya helped as individuals solely because they'd developed GOOD trusting relationships with humans. The final battle of Ori v. Ancient was INDIVIDUAL again…not "as a whole". The earth is OURS….we need to learn to unfuck it ourselves.


I think I'll take my chances on earth no fucking way am I going anywhere ever…unless get "relieved" of my prison body. If I have to stay I'll be warning against religion and (((THE PARASITE RACE))) so we don't make the same damn mistakes again.

Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 24, 2021, 10:58 p.m. No.13293705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3766


>Any thoughts on the Law of One?

Channeled truth mixed with fiction…a specialty of the Archons…I've read some of it and the LARP emerald tablets…my guess is they don't mention the "chosen" parasite archon in human form race.


I have seen the script flipped so many times by those assholes (IE Enki evil Enlil good) I know they're fake af but people suck that shit up like…milk shake.


It is my understanding but not KNOWledge that if they don't warn/tell you then they're breaking some rule.


Yes we are all CONNECTED, but we are NOT ONE…that's literally the SJW NWO bullshit. If you're all one then everyone is equal and good….which is a bullshit.


Native American/mix medicine carrier…and not the shit that the Golden Eagle ever bulshit spreads…they just smell money from white people…dude isn't chief of jack shit…no one with ANY ethics has a website, charges money for anything…NOTHING….so right off if people charge money for this dismiss them. I don't even help people anymore because the TRUTH is….most people don't want to "get well". Good thing I never made this my living or I'd have to keep doing it to make a living…even though I know the "industry" is a bullshit.


White people lost their medicine and teachings a LONG time ago when xianity replaced their original medicine…then in revenge, I guess, they went round the world destroying everyone else's.


I don't know if they have to tell you because Karma….I just know they have to show/tell you. The oldest organized religion on earth (and even that's bent a bit) is Hindism which is founded on the ANCIENT times…before ..the time before time. If you want to LOOK/SEE clues go watch Praveen Mohan's channel…kek he calls it ancient Hindu temples…but….if you see…you can see…then you can understand why there were genocides each place THEY fomented genocide.


Just as ONE example….the Temple at Angor Wat….the four tusked elephant has been extinct 2 million years…if you pay attention you'll figure out what it takes to generate energy from the earth…what it takes to operate portals and stargates….in stargate Atlantis only 1 person could initially operate the chair…why? So many wonderful things….there once was an entire civilization that covered the earth…high tech but earth -balanced/based…and no niggers…not even kidding. Out of Africa is a meme bullshit. Wait until they start telling the kangz the TRUTH about where they came from (Egyptologist7's jewtube channel..start from begining….watch Hoteps RAGE in comments…but truth is truth). Jewcademia controls truth….but I just recently got shocked when China mostly told the truth..WTAF? Never…before done…so maybe…just maybe…


The troubles scatted the original people…each time they 'restarted' they lost more…we're 10/10 devolving…we're almost at unsustainable peak idiocracy.


IF you watch carefully you'll begin to understand why Zawhi Hawass carefully guards Egypt…and whose face is REALLY on the Sphinx….(The same face that's on Bayon temple)….that would seriously UPSET everyone. KEK.

Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 24, 2021, 11:16 p.m. No.13293765   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>the best really is yet to come?

Eventually, I guess. depends on your perspective of "best". The earth has to be tidied up. I've like to live in a more balanced world. People think this coming stuff means the end of evil…kek…I hate to tell you this but perfect balance is acknowledging ALL of the self….yin that…that is a being in perfect balance with itself. Right now our entire everything is out of balance, tilted to the dark/evil….righting that means…."deleting" most evil. NOT perceived evil…EVIL.

I see "christians" wanting to delete evil…without acknowledging their own evil. I keep trying to tell them that's NOT how it works.


I used the example of "The Stand" and the end of duality. Christians (and other groups) see themselves as "good" and that's just not true. NOTHING is all good or all evil. They say..well Jesus takes it all…kek. OK then. When in truth using a scapegoat for one's own evil is…well to be honest, a cop out.


These things are mostly beyond most normie minds. IT explodes them…I'm not EVIL YOU'RE EVIL…nah, you're ALL fucking evil. Eliminating duality…evil/good…..or I'm not evil now I found Jesus and he…


SRSLY? Become ONE with the evil…I fucking hate lightworkers. They make everything 100% worse…always beaming their love light shit…which the "dark side" just slurps up like candy..when you fight you have already lost.


Remember Cain in Kung Fu? He ONLY fought when he had to and he ALWAYS fought in defense of the defenseless. HOW unlike the Ancients, those who wouldn't help anyone–despite their "goodness" and "white light"….using our dark strength for GOOD…using our evil in a good way….that's something POTUS has been able to do with great expertise…even if he doesn't realize it…( I think he does)….maybe I'm like an ancient. I won't help anyone now either…a child or elder in trouble…the way I see adults now? they always have a choice…unless a gun is held to their heads.


I've been torn with the emotion of hate…but then I remember that Jesus hates sin…so I feel OK hating :D It is normal to want to live in the kind of society you create within the self.


I highly recommend "People of the Lie, Evil in Today's Society" by M. Scott Peck. It brings evil into reality…too many people don't recognize what evil truly is.

Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 24, 2021, 11:42 p.m. No.13293858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3950


> here to devolve the human race?

They have certainly NOT enlightened the human race. I'm talking about specifically Subsaharan and West Africans…if you watch the Tracks Series Africa…(spectacular btw) you will see…what I mean. KEK…Especially when they get to Nigeria. Personally I think they were the "first man" created to be the "beast" aka slave. That DNA channel is a EYE opener. I always wondered why they were so different. (ghost DNA….and honestly whoever did it…needs to burn in HELL…oh wait…kek).


Yes…reap what one sows…this is true..but remember they mix true things with fiction, weaving it together. I saw people raving about Mark Passio on /pol/ So I went to listen to 2 of his lecture although 1 would have been enough. I knew immediately he was 'Jewish'…and "former church of satan pastor?" I did a search on him…every single time. (BTW that's now been scrubbed) HOW did I know he was THAT JEW? Because HE flipped the damn script. Enlil is the 'dark lord" or Dr. fucking Evil. Jehovah, YA, EL…the asshole "god". HE made Enlil the good guy..and he would, he's a damn fucking parasite Archon in human form. NOT all Jews..only certain "BRANDS"….the "good jews know…all about the bad ones who they are…and realize they're in serious danger of being "replaced" by the fuckers. And they are in a way….there's no way for a "normie" to tell the difference. The bible tells you clearly tho…(THEY are the fruit of the WITHERED vine…you shall know them by their COUNTENANCE…they WANDER…..) Like the sea peoples like….etc…


I have been taught many many ways. Oral histories in South America tell of their creation..that creator gifted them the VINE OF KNOWLEDGE so that they may know themselves….wait, what? The gifter of the tree of knowledge let them consume it? Seems about right…the Christian Judeo LARP creation myth is completely upside down and makes zero sense. ZERO…"God makes the tree of life and the tree of knowledge put them in your yard and says he will literally kill you if you eat of it"…OK then…sounds kind of mean…sort of like making a fun box, and arms long enough to reach it then telling you if you touch it you're going to hell.


The "bible" is no older than 250BC according to documentarian study of the Elephantine papyrus and they fundamentally plagiarized from OTHER much older civilizations. Like…OH..the Sea People decided to stop roaming and wiping out the tall red head remnants and printed up a "new identity"…NATURALLY making themselves the hero. (then burning the Library at Alexandria not because of what WAS in it…but because of what wasn't."


So basically they kind of fucked up making their new LARP history by including that bit that says "NOO NOO don't give them that, they will become like USSSS", whined exactly WHO? (any bets it was that fucker Enlil? who later became jehovah)


That's why the SA creation myths are different..knowledge was a GIFT….and seen as GOOD versus…NO NO don't tell them that…said the asshole "god"….


IF you want to enjoy a perfectly delightful lecture on cuniform and REAL history I highly recommend this lecture by Irving Finkle. I haven't been so spell bound by a lecture in a LONG time…and I sincerely love anything that gives that LYING ass fucker Ron Wyatt what he so soundly deserves. *he never mentions Wyatt…but he still BTFO that bullshit "ark" story. (Irving Finkle isn't one of (((THEM))).


One day…depending on how this story ends I might make a "stone bible stories" channel…because it wasn't until I read the KJV of Lot etc aloud to a friend while stoned…that it finally made sense. KEK.

Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 24, 2021, 11:58 p.m. No.13293918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3984


Yeah well they literally whacked the based af president of Tanzania for refusing to go along with the WORLD LARP…SOMEHOW Kary Mullis (genius who BTFO Fau-Chi) ended up dead…and I saw recently another one got whacked. They didn't waste a second installing a NWO dick sucker into Tanzania….and now I'm gonna have to go look up the niggers that returned to Africa and chose Tanzania because 'freedom'.


Didn't the new guy automatically start with the bullshit lockdowns/masks?


When Q posted that BULLSHIT "don't worry you're safe" I wanted to unplug it and beat it with a baseball bat. Safe from what exactly? Lockdowns? Niggers? Trannies? rampaging SJW women attacking elderly shoppers? tainted vaccines? What, exactly are we safe from? FUKINA Tanzania was safe af until they whacked the president….




Did you get the PCR test shoved back to your brain?


IF so you might want to start this video at 3 minutes in (black women…and yappity yap) but she's rightly upset….watch, with your OWN damn eyes the PCR test try to reconstruct itself versus a normal Q tip.


this video kept getting deleted from her Morgellons FB page.


NOW watch embedded…WTF do you SEE? What is the human body? The body "electric"? PCR tested or vaccinated? You're fucked.


WTAF a African knew this and saved his people…SRSLY?

Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 25, 2021, 12:15 a.m. No.13293974   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Is there a possibility of another timeline shift where benevolent ET's make contact and share tech with us again?


I have seen in comments ( I always read the comments) that there's promises of Med-beds where you lay in it and it diagnoses and heals you…and many other "channeled promises"…and people slobbering all over that without THINKING.


OK..THINK…what would happen to the earth if we actually had such a device as a med-bed that diagnosed and healed you? and people didn't die from shit? JAYSUS people think. KEK…imagine a new laser healer light frequency thing….NOW imagine some niggers in the hood getting hold of it.


OK? This earth is fucked with too many people and too much stupid. Chicongo is dangerous enough with guns let's NOT give them tazers. Humans are biological material born but to die, just like everything else on this earth. NATURE….we MUST return to the LAW of NATURE and burn Natural Law in a damn fire.


YES there are healing modalities….original medicine is amazing but people still DIE. Light, frequency and energy is amazing….but each time someone …well it all get bought out, buried, perverted and swerved. You know what we need to do, to HEAL that? Take the MONEY out of healing, spirituality, teaching, and ceremony.


RIGHT NOW you've got every fucking shyster writing books selling their version of wtf ever…MY fav was when Wilcox wrote a book for 2012 with VITAL INFORMATION everyone needed because world ednding. And don't you know, he's the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce (FUCKING NOT)…so listen to HIM pay HIM…..well Wilcox..Edgar Cayce never charged a penny he was born and died a poor man.


UNLIKE Fucking WILCOX…buy my book learn how to survive the end of the world…ok Dave…the world is ending…why TF do you need money? GIVE your book away…information could save people, right?


IF they're SELLING, turn them tf off. If they channel turn them TF off, if they promise do this or that and survive and ascend..turn them tf OFF.


LISTEN, gather information, MOVE ON…stop following people. JAYSIS sucking Juan O Savin's dick and he is LYING..he comes here, sees shit I post (like the vedic astrology) runs off makes a new video OMG OMG it's coming in April…holy hell I would endure months more of this shit just to watch that fucking lying ass FRAUD DIAF.


I hate liars. SRSLY….

Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 25, 2021, 12:24 a.m. No.13294005   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Telephoresis is as amazing as iontophoresis…and I've been doing that intuitively for years. KEK…


So what are the implications if that PCR test is reassembling and does indeed go into the brain?


NOT my drawings….but ah…I do not disagree. I try to see down/up into what the normie RV people do in their formal sessions. USUALLY and historically a person who can RV like this will eventually move into their natural ability…OR get yanked off into "alien contact" wally world. He drew the neural connections…..this was intended…in the military RV program too many soldiers committed suicide. The normie brain isn't able to manage this stuff. I keep an eye on the normie RV people….to see if they roam off track. It's essentially a trap if you start doing it for money..then soon you'll need a ranch and need to charge 90 bucks a night to tent camp and call in UFOs for people. SRSLY? KEK.


That shit isn't going up my nose, no vaccine is going in my body. PERIOD. I don't believe a damn word any human says….just holding my OWN space. If I have to fucking stay here….then those are my damn terms :D

Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 25, 2021, 12:28 a.m. No.13294015   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Son you ship done left the port.


because she's a Jaffa…host. Like her entire family. She's evil af inside…like uncurable. So….let's see…can they kill the parasite within without harming the host? Yeah…just lock that bitch up. She and her sister Anne (Jenny) and her other software twin sisters? Some people are just born evil.

Anonymous ID: b8eab2 March 25, 2021, 12:41 a.m. No.13294070   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>way too depressing.

Everyone chooses their own suffering. What you beLIEve affects what level of suffering you endure. Why not learn to use your own powers of observation (if you have them)?


Which one is Obama and which one is an actor if one is an actor what might that observation TELL you about the Inauguration and Arlington?


Never mind, suffer on.


Where people are being FORCED to CHOOSE is the vaccine. ANY adult can make an informed decision by studying this stuff and noping out…no matter the consequences. No matter what anyone says…so maybe this entire vaccine thing is to make people actively engage in a CHOICE…their OWN free will…if, despite ALL the evidence to the contrary that the vaccine is safe and you take it anyway for Muh reasons…then whose fault is that? MAYBE people who are able to TRUST themselves instead of constantly looking to others to tell them what to do…are the ones we want to survive in the long-run. Maybe you have to literally CHOOSE.