>>13293309 (lb)
Mercury was from a rare Zoroastrian family in London. Ancient bloodline.
BTW, thanks baker. >>13293263
>>13293309 (lb)
Mercury was from a rare Zoroastrian family in London. Ancient bloodline.
BTW, thanks baker. >>13293263
Oh why not
I know a great place. Wanna get outta here?
Such a proclamation earns you newfag status.
Um, anons. ICYMI -
Khashoggi's Ship
Khashoggi's assassination.
Yep. That would be very interdasting.
Is the Suez Canal story related to the change up in Israel?
Thanks. That's a piece of this puzzle anon had misplaced.
Freddy is looking a little Frank N. Furter there.
Freddy must've had stories.
50% of the world is fucked up with this shit? Really. How many?
Oh shit. That ship in the Suez is a Rick Roll?
ooooooh. Kek.
Pushme Pullyou
Oh sweet Jesus. How many newfags do we have now???
Bukowski is genius. In so many ways.
Anon has a few favorites that a flame is kept for being on the right side. Put this one on the list.
No fucking shit anon. Really???
There's a reason (((they))) all look alike.